You are fired

"What do you mean I can't use the VIP changing room? Who is so important that you won't drive them out of there for me? do you not know who I am?!"

Wei Yang and Lu Yan heard an angry voice from the outside of the door.

The changing room was supposed to be soundproofed, but the door wasn't well locked. They didn't do anything about it because their guards were right outside the door.

"Am very sorry Miss, the person inside cannot be offended. Please ma, use the other changing room or wait a little while, they will soon be done" after the sales person said that, a resounding slap greeted her on her cheek.

"How dare you tell me to wait for whoever is in there? Are you tired of living? Do you think I have the whole day to wait for some lousy customer!" She yelled.

Her yelling gathered the Misses and Madams who were there to shop.

"What is going on here?" A plump man of about thirty ran over. He heard the ruckus on his way down to receive a guest from the capital.

"Where is the manager?!" She yelled again

"I am the manager, please tell me why you are so upset" the plumb man said anxiously. 'this lady appears rich, offending her will be a wrong move'.

"Your sales girl is very disrespectful. Is this how you attend to important people?" She said furiously.

"No Miss. I am sorry for the way she treated you. I will immediately have her apologize to you now".

"No need, I want her fired" she said.

"Feifei, don't you think that is too harsh?" Her friend tugged at her dress and whispered gently to her.

"No, it's not. Next time she would know not to offend me when she sees me. who would dare offend the Mi family in the capital? why should I endure such ill treatment in this small City?" the more she said, the angrier she became.

"R- right away" the manager said nervously. 'So she's the one he was here to receive. however this lady Qin Yun is the best sales person they have here ah! where would he find another person as talented as her?' he lamented.

"Qin Yun, go to the cashier and collect your salary, your are fired".

Qin Yun went down on her knees and begged. "I'm sorry sir, please don't fire me. My twin brother needs my earning to have his heart treated please" she begged and tears gushed out of her eyes uncontrollably.

The manager felt his heart ache, but if he doesn't fire her, he too will be fired. This miss Feifei came from the capital, he couldn't risk offending her. So he hardened his heart and said firmly "Go right this instant or you risk not getting your salary at all".


Hello, sorry for the many messages... My newest book, 'contract marriage: the replacement groom' is participating in a contest, please check it out, I promise you will like it. There are zero to no grammatical errors. Thank you.