Big trouble

Mi Feifei smiled smugly.

The door to the changing room opened, revealing Lu Yan and Wei Yang who stood by the door with hands in her trouser pocket.

Lu Yan looked confusingly at the people gathered outside the door. When the manager saw her, his head buzzed. He quickly turned to her and bowed "Young Miss Lu"

"What is going on here?" She asked

She and Wei Yang heard everything, but she still wanted to ask.

"Is this the 'important' person using the changing room" Mi Feifei emphasize the 'important' with disdain.

"Manager I want them" she pointed at Lu Yan and her three guards carrying heavy shopping bags "Thrown out of this store".

The moment she said that, silence accompanied her words. The crowd took small steps back. They didn't want to be involved in the Lu matters.

The manager got to know today why the weak dies when the powerful fought. How can he throw the Lu's daughter out of the store? He wasn't tired of living. Besides the Lu's owned the mall.

Manager Cang sweated buckets even when the A.C was working perfectly. "M- m- miss, i- I'm so sorry, that cannot be done" he managed to say with much difficulty. When she's done, she would have to return to the capital, he would be the one to remain in Misty City and face the Lu's wrath.

"How dare you refuse me? You all are tired of living. Do you know who I am?"

"Who the hell are you? Why would you come here to create ruckus over a VIP changing room? Do you want it that much? You can have it, we are done with it anyway" Lu Yan said angrily. This lady is just too unreasonable. She shouldn't be from here, because there is no one in Misty City who doesn't know her. They wouldn't dare to talk back at her, let alone disrespect her. Well, aside from Wei Yang who has never put her in her eyes. "Sister, we can leave now"

"Hold on" Mi Feifei raised her hand to block Lu Yan. "Don't even think about leaving. Guards have this girl and her guards beaten and thrown out of this mall. Make sure they are blacklisted for ever. I am definitely going to ask my brother to buy this... " she looked disdainfully at the mall "stupid mall"

Some onlookers started murmuring and whispering amongst themselves when they heard the lady from the capital wanted her guards to humiliate the heiress of the Lu family.

"Young Miss Fei, please do not do that. This is the young heiress of the Lu family" manager Cang quickly intervened.

Feifei's brain jolted awake. Even she knows who the Lu's are. Although they are not of the three greatest families, however, they are advancing in a fast pace that they would be equal to their Mi family in not less than five years time.

Her Mi family is the last of the three greatest families in country A.

The Mo family, the Qi family and her family. Although, some said there are more than three families who are hidden, However no one knows who those families are.

Although her family are known to be the third great family and respected, none but few knew their family is actually declining. She only wanted to exert dominance here like she was used to in the capital. She had never in her wildest dreams thought her pick would be someone she was warned by her family not to offend.

She felt anxious and didn't know how to go about the mess she has created. If her family knows, she is going to be in a big trouble.