
Her friend noticed her anxiety and made her judgement. She approached Lu Yan and smiled.

"Little sister, please do not be angry. Big sister was only upset because of the way she was treated by the sales girl. She didn't mean to make you angry"

The way she did her 180 degree change surprised the crowd and even the manager. Who were the MIs?.... They are one of the three greatest family in the country. How could they give in to the Lus? It means the Lus are no longer just a small family in Misty City.

The manager quickly changed sides from sitting on the fence for so long. "Young Miss Lu, please do not be offended"

Lu Yan scoffed at her words and turned to Wei Yang "Sister let's leave" but Wei Yang was still resting on the door looking at Mi Fei with squinted eyes.

"When you offend someone, you apologize. Shirking responsiblities is a sign of poor upbringing. You offended my...sister. you should apologize" she pronounced the 'sister' with difficulty and reluctance.

"What impudence! And who are you to think you could talk to me like that?" Mi Fei asked with arrogance and annoyance. She could let things go with Lu Yan, but that doesn't mean she would tolerate just anyone talk to her with such impudence

Lu Yan was stunned when she heard Wei Yang stand up for her and even addressed her as sister in public. Her joy couldn't be concealed and she smiled. 'Wei Yang is soft hearted after all' she thought.

"Ha! A spoilt brat like you does not need to know who I am. Apologize to my sister and the sales girl you slapped and get the hell out of here. I won't repeat myself" she stood straight and took a step towards Qin Yu who has forgotten to stand up from the turn of event.

She helped her up, but the moment she tried to let her go, Qin Yun fell back down. She didn't feel the pain of hitting her knees on the floor like she expected. She felt a soft firm hands held her shoulder to steady her.

She looked up and met Wei Yang's captivating eyes "Thank you" she said and her cheeks turned scarlet. She turned her head down to hide her blushing cheeks. 'she is a girl. Why am I blushing so hard?'

Wei Yang walked her to sit on a couch because her legs were numb from kneeling for too long.

"I have given you enough time to apologize, but you didn't take the easy way out" as she was about to raise her leg to kick the guards encircling Mi fei and her friend in the middle, she heard a voice come from the door.

"Please stop young lady".

The onlookers, Lu Yan, Wei Yang and others turned to look at the door. They saw a pair of long legs, followed by the full view of a well refined handsome young man dripping with sexiness.

Behind him were two young handsome men of the same age about nineteen to twenty. They were handsome, but compared to the one in front, the two guys behind look inferior.


Hello, my newest book, 'contract marriage: the replacement groom' is participating in a contest, please check it out, I promise you will like it. There are zero to no grammatical errors. Thank you.