Mean just like your uncle

After they were done eating, they left for school in the same car.

At the school gate, when Wei Yang and Lu Yan alighted the car simultaneously, the students entering the school at the gate gasped in shock. They murmured amongst themselves, asking each other why the school belle with bad reputation and the most liked and innocent Lu Yan would be coming to school together.

They were still surprised when Lu Yan dropped another bomb.

"Sister, should we go to class together? I heard dad tell the principal to let you stay in class one." Wei Yang paused in her step. 'this girl is doing it again'

"Go ahead, I will be there shortly" she walked towards her class.

"Ok" Lu Yan walked away. Leaving the students flabbergasted.

"What did she mean by sister?" A girl who was the first to snap out of her daze asked.

"I have no idea, maybe she just called her sister as a friendly address. I can call you sister too you know" another girl said

"That's true. Goddess Lu scared the Hell out of me. I thought they were related. I would have died of heartbreak. How could this hateful Wei Yang be related to our damsel Lu Yan?" shu maomao said. she was Lu yan's biggest fan.

"You are right" another answered.

"What are you girls gossiping about this early in the morning? Don't you have anything to do? Get out of my way!" Qi Jun shouted at the girls.

The girls turned to see who had the guts to yell at them and their face blushed in embarrassment when they saw the school most famous and handsome boys Mo Lang and Qi Jun.

How could they let their crush Mo Lang catch them gossiping. They bowed to the two guys and scurried away.

"Humph! they dared to gossip my crush. They must be courting death" Qi Jun stamped his foot on the floor like a baby throwing a tantrum.

Mo Lang looked at this and shook his head. He placed his hands in his pockets and walked forward, ignoring Qi Jun who was lost in his imagination.

"Hey! Mo Lang, how could you leave me alone here. You are becoming mean just like your uncle" he chased after him.

"I will relay your message to him. I believe he will like to hear you call him mean" Mo Lang said.

"You definitely cannot! Do you want me thrown into the Army?"Qi Jun screamed. "Mo Lang don't be so mean to a brother. Pretend I didn't say anything uh!" he begged with puppy eyes.

Mo Lang laughed and ignored him.


Wei Yang walked into grade Ten, class five. The class for the not so dumb and not so intelligent. She sat on her sit by the window, took out her phone and sent a message to Yihuan.