Lu Wei Yang

Wei Yangang: 'debtor' she typed.

Yihuan: ' Yo! I thought you forgot about me'

Wei Yang: ' you still owe me'

Yihuan: 'I have been bored to death in here. I went to have fun at a little bar beside the hotel but some thugs chased me. I think those people are still after my life. Saviour , won't you come help your boy?' he teased

Wei Yang: 'I didn't send you to go make trouble. If you fall into their hands again, don't think I will put my life on the line for you. Unless you agree to be my person'

Yihuan: 'Your person? Do you mean your boyfriend? Of course it's a yes. Who wouldn't want to have a beautiful heroine as a girlfriend'

Wei Yang: ' Meet me at the coffee shop close to Misty high school at 11am'

Yihuan: 'Alright sweetheart. See you soon'

Wei Yang put her phone away and brought out her mini laptop. She hacked into the Lu's mall, searching for Qin Yun's information.

When she confirmed it was the same Qin Yun her master told her to find, she saved her information and research on her sick twin brother Qin Chen.

She found out he has been sick since birth. He has coronary artery disease (CAD) whch require a huge sum of money to treat. he has being frequenting the hospital lately for different tests.

Wei Yangang sighed and rubbed her temple. 'why are they all troublesome? Is there no normal person without problems around them?' She shut her laptop when she heard her name from the public address system.

"Xu Wei Yang from grade Ten class five, report to the principal's office. Lu Wei Yang from grade Ten class five, report to the principal's office". The two names confused the students

Some looked at each other and asked "Is there a new student called Lu Wei Yang?"

"When do we have a new student called Lu Wei Yang in class Five?"

Different questions of such nature kept flying around the whole grade Ten building.

There are Ten classes in grade Ten.

Class one is the class for the most intelligent. It followed that pattern to class Ten with students who can't be helped. They only come to school because they were forced to by their parents. That class is ruled by bullies of different levels. From the most powerful bullies to the weakest bullies. They all resides in that class.

When Wei Yang came last in the past, she was sent to class Ten. No one dares to make trouble for her. Some had the intention of bullying her back then because of Lu Yan. However, since the day she beat up the strongest bully in the school. Fatty from grade twelve who wanted to 'seek justice' for Lu Yan two years ago, no one had dared to mess with her ever since.

Wei Yang got up from her seat amidst the ruckus and went to the principal's office.

Among the students who saw her walk into the principal's office, there was Shu mao mao

She stood there in deep thought. "Why are you looking so lost?" Asked her friend who didn't know what happened this morning.