Don't tell your father about this

"She- she is Lu Wei Yang?" She asked doubtedly.

"What has that got to do with you?" Asked Xiao ping.

"She is my goddess's sister?" She started crying. "This is so unfair to my goddess. How can my goddess have such a terrible sister whose reputation is ruined"

Xiao Ping looked at her and said "Are you being serious right now? That is their family's business"

"You won't understand. Wei Yang is a very bad person. She has never allowed my goodness have peace, everyone except you knows that" she glared at her friend.

"All i see is your goddess and her cousin trying to ruin Wei Yang even when Wei Yang didn't put them in her eyes" Xiao Ping fired back.

"You are defending her now? you are talking bad about my goddess. I- I don't want to be friends with you anymore" she tried to look angry, but with her chubby cheeks and childish face, no one will take her seriously.

Xiao Ping laughed "Ok, since you are not satisfied, let us go ask your goddess what is happening" with that, she dragged Shu Mao Mao away.


In the principal's office "Wei Yang have a seat" Wei Yang sat down on the seat opposite his.

"Your father called the school to make changes to your name last week Saturday. He told us what happened with you and Lu Yan from class two" he took a sip of water and continued. "He also requested we change your class to class one." He sighed. "It's not that it cannot be done, but what if you cannot retain first position like you've always done? Class one is for the most brilliant kids. I know you are also brilliant, don't get me wrong. But if other kids sees that you got into class one through the back door without working for it, your reputation will be further damaged. Your Lu family and the school will be dragged through the mud" he paused. "Now, what I want you to do for us and yourself is to score well in this month exam which is coming up next week. Your result will be your best proof for going to class one. You have been there before anyway"

"Thank you sir" she stood up and was about to leave, but heard the principal say "Wei Yang, uhm, I know you are a smart kid. Don't tell your father about this"

Wei Yang ignored him and walked through the door. If he was so scared, why would he still show bravery in her presence.