White Lotus


"Did you hear what happened to the Yu family?"

"What happened?"

"I overheard my parents discussing it last night. The Yu family offended someone they shouldn't have and their family is in a terrible mess right now"

"What! The Yu family is not a small family. Who could be so powerful to ruin them this much?"

"There are many powerful people that can ruin them. How wealthy can the Yu family be?"

"I heard my parents say that their connection to the underworld was revealed and the Lu cooperation cancelled their collaboration and blacklisted them. They compensate a huge sum of money to the Lu cooperation"

"Me too, I also heard the third master of the Yu family. Em....what's that his name again, that evil cripple. He was arrested for all the bad things he has done. His case is in court right now"

"Serves them right. That Yu Baifeng ruined my friend's sister's life and ended up killing her. His family's company then bankrupted my friend's father's company because they protested against their daughter's unjust death".

"Ah! they are so terrible. Could you believe Madam Yu came to ask my mother to get my third elder sister married to that cripple three days ago? My mother refused and Madam Yu threatened to ruin us. Thank God this happened to them, now they won't have the time to care about us".

"Wow! your family is so lucky. That tyrant Yu family. I wouldn't wish my enemy to marry into that family"

Wei yang heard all that from the gossipy girls who were standing together at the corridor.

When the girls saw her coming, they kept quiet and the moment she left, they resumed their gossip.

Class commenced as usual with no mishap. The moment the bell for lunch break rang, Lu Yan ran into Wei Yang's class with enthusiasm. She stopped at the door to look around, when she saw Mo Lang sitting at the front seat, she smiled and walked shyly to Wei Yang who was putting her books into her bag.

"Sister, let's go eat lunch together" her voice sounded beautiful and cute.

The student who hasn't left for lunch were surprised when they heard her.

"Did you hear that? I thought they hated each other" a boy said in a whisper to another.

"Maybe Wei Yang has been adopted by the Lus" another said.

"Go ahead, I will pass this time" Wei Yang said. She has an appointment with Yihuan.

"But sister, I thought we were good" she said in a small voice. She bit her lips with her head down, warranting pity from those who saw her.

"Lu Yan, what are you doing here? I have been searching everywhere for you" came Lu Rong's voice sounding displeased.

Lu Yan rolled her eye in annoyance. Lu Rong is in grade Twelve. When did the bell for lunch break ring that she had searched for her everywhere?

"I'm here to see my sister"

"Oh, you mean Wei Yang? Wow! You are so nice. Is Wei Yang well responsive and appreciative of your kindness? After all your parents adopted her, right" Lu Yan was dumbstruck by what Lu Rong said and those still gathering around heard it too.

Mo Lang and Qi Jun raised their eye brows. That's wasn't what they know. How can a cousin distort a truth so well?

"So Wei Yang was adopted by Lu Yan's parents, no wonder her surname changed"

"I was right"

"Ah! How could she have such good luck when her character is terribly bad. Tsk. tsk. tsk"

"Why should my goddess have to share parents with her. I feel sad for my goddess"

Those around kept discussing it without a care if their voices were loud.

"Lu Rong! How could you say that. Wei Yang is... She is..." Lu Yan wanted to tell everyone she was the adopted one, but when she saw Mo Lang looking at her, she stopped talking. Will he accept her if he knows she is adopted?

"I understand Lu Yan, you want to say she is the real daughter. You can even give her your rightful position as your parent's child. What did she do to you Lu Yan? wake up!" Lu Rong shook her by the shoulder forcefully "Wei yang! What did you do to her? Did you threaten her? I know you don't like her, but you don't have to take away everything from her like this" Lu Rong raised her voice as lot of people gathered.

Hateful eyes glaring at Wei yang.

"Shut up! Sister, I'm sorry for our cousin's behaviour, please don't take it to heart" Lu Yan pleaded, trying to hold Wei Yang's hand.

Wei Yang snickered "You have companies now, I will excuse myself" she meant Lu Rong and those gathered.

After Wei yang left, the gossip spread throughout the school that the adopted Wei Yang wants to steal Lu Yan's rights as the real child.

"Wei Yang is too despicable" cried the little chubby Shu Mao Mao

"Did you hear Wei Yang say that herself? learn to look at things from another angle. Your goddess and that ugly cousin of hers are two scheming bitches. What my family told me is different from what they are claiming"

"Xiao ping. What are you talking about? I know you never liked my goodness, but can you stop making her look bad? I will really stop being your friend if you keep doing this" she scoffed and walked away.

Xiao ping shook her head and sighed. "Mao Mao, you will definitely be heartbroken when you find out the truth about your goddess" she said in a low voice.

At that point, Mo Lang and Qi Jun walked by.

"Finally, one person who isn't smitten by that white lotus" Qi Jun sneered "Brother were are we going?" He asked when he saw they weren't heading to the cafeteria.