Who are you?

"Young lady, did no one teach you manners? You barged in here and killed some of my men. You still think you will be able to leave here alive?" The leader who was sitting on a chair in a dark corner asked, his face covered in thick smoke from whatever it was he was smoking.

"Your greatest mistake was capturing my person" Wei Yang said.

"You have a sweet tongue. It's unfortunate I don't have a soft spot for you. Grab her and tie her up. She will sell for a lot of money"

"Yes boss" one of the guys said and made his way to Wei Yang. It was not known if they underestimated her or if they were too overconfident, only one person went to grab her. More over she looked like a weakling.

Qi Jun started fidgeting, his heartbeat accelerated. He looked from his older cousin to Mo Lingtian. He saw none of them made an attempt to step forward, his heart sank. 'i can't let her be harmed, but how? I'm not so powerful as to fight almost fifty bulky men all by myself . What do I do' he thought to himself. As he was thinking of how to help Wei Yang, he saw Wei Yang grab the man who walked up to her. He didn't see how she did it.

He saw the man bend forward and Wei Yang hit him with the side of her palm on his neck and the huge man went limp. Before he fell, Wei Yang grabbed his gun from his waist. Before he could register what was happening, he saw her raise the gun and bang. bang.bang. sounds followed.

He was flabbergasted, he turned to look at Mo Lang who was also shocked. His uncle Mo and older cousin looked much better, but their eyes held a deep thoughts.

Mo Lingtian frowned slightly after his initial surprise. 'When did she become so strong? the information he got on her said she didn't have a good time with the Xus' he wondered.

By now, Wei Yang has gunned down Ten men already. In the midst of the chaos, she had grabbed Yihuan from their hold in a speed as fast as lighting and hid him behind a wall pillar.

"Kill her for me!" Yelled the boss. When was the last time someone had dared to anger his to this extent? If the higher ups hears he lost more than fifteen strong men under him to a high school girl, he would be done for.

In the midst of the crossfire, he invaded some bullets from his men and went to Wei Yang from the side.

Wei Yang's gun was emptied by now. She sat with her back to the wall pillar which has received countless holes from bullets.

"Little sister, I know you can escape by yourself, please leave now" Yihuan urged Wei Yang with the little strength he had left. His heart was filled with warmth. He made up his mind that if he could survive today, he will never leave her side and if he couldn't, he wouldn't let any harm come to her while was is still alive.

Wei Yang patted his shoulder and smiled.

She got up and ran out in a flash. She stood in front of the leader who was about to pull the trigger and beamed. The leader who wasn't expecting her to be here froze for a moment and before he could recover from his shock, he felt his hand empty and a round about kick was sent to his stomach which made him fly into a wall.

Wei Yang turned around and started another round of crossfire. This time, she didn't hide behind a wall pillar which gave her a proper view and also put her in harm's way. Although she was in the open and her enemies were hiding behind something, she was still able to remain unharmed.

The fight took about twenty minutes. Whenever the bullets in her magazine was exhausted, she took over an enemy's gun. After she gunned down the last person, she turned to the leader who had only managed to stand up from the floor.

"You..who are you?" He asked. His heart was beating so fast it could fly out of his chest at any moment. He has lost over fifty men to a young high school girl.