Information not worth your life

"A person you wouldn't want to know. Who sent you after my person?" She asked

"I cannot divulge the person's information" he answered

"Fine then. I can force it out of you" she walked over to him. Each step she took forward was like she stepped on his heart.

His heart tightened. He saw her face had long changed from the innocent high schooler with an unfriendly attitude to a cold faced murderer.

"Are you not scared of having a nightmare? You just murdered over fifty people. You are a cold hearted murderer. What makes you different from us?" He wanted to attack her emotionally, but was Wei yang even normal?

Yihuan felt cold sweat dripping from his battered back. 'will she really have nightmares? Wouldn't they hunt her? She was still young. It was all my fault' he blamed himself in his heart. If only he didn't come back to Misty city, none of these would have happened.

"The first time I killed someone was when I was eleven" she stopped in front of him and continued "the person I have given the most gruesome death was the person who said I was too young to hold a gun, but he didn't think I was to young to die" if she was too young to kill someone, shouldn't her enemies feel she was too young to die? Why didn't he let her go with Yihuan when she walked in earlier.

"I..I will pretend this never happened if you let me go" he said.

"Too bad, because I can never pretend this never happened. You almost killed my person and you almost tied me up to be delivered as goods"

"I can compensate you" he didn't want to die. Although they were trained to not be afraid of death but to embrace it, he didn't want to die just yet. He was about to be promoted to the capital. He would be able to see the higher ups if he could make it to the headquarters in a few more years. His resolve to live grew and he broke their rules of not divulging their client's information.

"Harrison family placed the mission to eliminate him with a slow death and should be recorded"

Wei yang looked at Yihuan who shook his head gently. He didn't know any one from the Harrison family. Wei yang turned to face the leader and asked

"What were you paid in exchange?"

"I have no idea, only the higher ups in the capital knows the payment for missions given. We the members only accept the missions and nothing else"

"Hm" Wei yang nodded. "I will found out my self. You didn't give me any useful information that was worth your life" she pointed the gun at his forehead and bang. He fell down limply on the floor dead.

"Sis..sister, are you ok?" Asked Yihuan who was trying to stand on his feet but couldn't. He has been attempting to stand up for a while now but couldn't. He cursed at his uselessness several times.