Overwhelming bearing

"He is very busy at the moment" she wiped off her imaginary sweat.

"Get him here. this instant!" she ordered. Her voice was not loud at all, but the arrogance that screams on her person was overwhelming.

"Y..yes miss" she took the telephone off the desk and realized her palm was covered in sweat. She ignored it and quickly dialed the manager's number with her shaking fingers. "Hello sir, this is the front desk, your presence is needed urgently. Yes sir. Ok, sir" she dropped the phone. And turned to the gorgeous lady.

"Miss, please come have a seat at the lounge, he will be here shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience, Miss." she bowed again in a professional manner.

Vivian sat down in the beautifully decorated lounge with crossed legs. She took the business magazine on the table which has Mo lingtian on the front cover. her lips curled faintly as she flipped over the pages. Whenever she saw what piqued her interest, she stops to read it and continue flipping.

She flipped over the page with the Lu cooperation and their dreams of wanting to collaborate with the Mo groups.

She stopped to read it and found out Mo Lingtian was here in Misty city and would be holding a meeting with some companies in this hotel. The corner of her lips curled up faintly.

The manager came rushing in with his assistant and some workers. they bowed to Vivian who was quietly sipping on a tea she was brewed.

"We are sorry for the inconveniences we have caused you Miss," he said.

"That is not the only thing you should be sorry for." She didn't even spare him a glance. she put the teacup down on the tea plate. She uncrossed her legs and tap gently on the table, leaving the manager sweating buckets.

"What happened to the suite my assistant booked last night?" She raised her beautifully curved eyebrow.

The manager cleared his throat to not sound weird "I am sorry Miss, may I know the details of the booking?"

Vivian's gaze lingered on the manager for two seconds longer, making the manager want to pee his pants. What demeanor is this? Her look alone instills fear in a person's heart. Aside from CEO Mo lingtian, he hasn't seen this attitude elsewhere.

Vivian looked over her shoulder to the guard standing behind her. She didn't need to say a word, the guard was not deaf, he opened the bag he was holding and took out a printed paper, and handed it to the manager.