The Meeting

The manager read the transaction details. A VVIP suite was really booked and paid for. He was stunned because he didn't make such a transaction with anyone. The best rooms in the hotel were booked since last week Friday for those coming from other cities to attend the meeting that the Mo groups would be holding. He looked at the dates properly and found where the problem was.

"Ma'am, the suite was booked last night against Wednesday." He gathered his courage to say.

Vivian's fingers paused for a second. She stretched her hand to receive the paper which was handed to her immediately. She read through the report and took her phone to make a call.

The moment the call got connected, she didn't wait for the person at the other end to say a word before she ordered: "pack your bags and get lost. I don't want to come back and meet you there. Before you leave, do well to do a proper handover." she ended the call and asked the manager, "What room is available?"

"We have other nice rooms. He passed her the hotel brochure from the tray a waitress was holding.

Vivian accepted the brochure and browsed through it before she picked a room, not to her liking, but it stood out from the rest. "I pick this," she pointed her beautifully painted nails to the room she picked.

"Room 301, Mary get the keys." He said to one of the waitresses standing behind him who hurried over to the front desk to get the keys from the receptionist.

"Thank you for your patronage, Miss." The manager and the workers bowed respectfully at her disappearing back.

After she had left, the manager breathed out a sigh of relief.


By 1:09pm, everyone attending the meeting was present. CEOs of different companies were seated on the seats allocated to them in the hotel's large hall.

Mo lingtian walked in unhurriedly at exactly 1:10 pm. He walked over to the head seat on the long table with about twenty-five to thirty people already seated. It looked more like a CEO meeting with the board of directors, rather than a CEO-to-CEOs meeting.

After exchanging pleasantries, the meeting started. Jessica and Johnny went around the table, collecting the proposals placed on the table, in front of Mo Lingtian.

Mo lingtian read them all at a normal pace and left a few comments on those that he needed to... Except for the Lu cooperation's which he hasn't lifted.

CEO Lu got a little nervous. When he received the impromptu change on Sunday evening, he knew his company wouldn't be able to meet up even if they stayed awake all night. It was just too difficult. He had complained about it to his wife on the dining table last night and was ready to withdraw when this morning, Wei Yang knocked on his door with a document in hand.

"Here is your proposal," she had said and turned around to leave after he accepted it.

His heart warmed and he smiled at how considerate and mature his daughter was. He didn't want to read it at first. What would a sixteen year old girl know? but when he thought she had spent the night on it to help him, he couldn't bear to just ignore it so he opened and read it. The more he read, the more shocked he became.