Lovestruck Fool

She bit her lips and suppressed the turmoil in her heart.

Wei Yang ignored her and sent a text to Luo Wen Yu asking about Yihuan's condition.

She received a response shortly.

Luo Wen Yu: 'He is having a terrible nightmare, he has been frowning since you left, murmuring incoherent words. I think you should come see him' he suggested

Wei Yang: 'Watch him through the night and inform me tomorrow morning if his condition hasn't subsided'

Luo Wen Yu: 'Ok'

She dropped her phone on her lap, rested her head on the back of the seat, and closed her eyes.

Minutes later, Lu Yan stared at the sleeping Wei Yang. She didn't want to let it go so she said "Sister, I like Mo Lang"

"What is that? Is it a new robot?" Wei Yang said with eyes closed.

Lu Yan stared dumbfoundedly at Wei Yang who was "pretending" to be sleeping. "No! Mo Lang is your classmate!" She snapped, then took a deep breath "Sorry for my outburst" she apologized to Wei Yang who has opened her eyes and raised an eyebrow.

Wei Yang sighed internally and closed her eyes. She didn't hear what Lu Yan said clearly, she actually dozed off. "It's fine. If you like him, why are you telling me that?" she asked slowly like her energy would be drained if she talk a little louder.

"I heard he likes you"

"He doesn't" Wei Yang answered.

Lu Yan smiled, but to clear all her doubt, she pressed further "But I saw him with you just now" she lowered her head and played with her fingers.

"He is a classmate. Does that clear your doubt?" She got down from the car the moment it stopped at Lu Kang Song's residence. She does not have the luxury of time to entertain a lovestruck fool.


"Wei Yang, Lu Yan, you both are back" Madam Lu's voice sounded from the sofa.

They turned their gaze to see Madam Lu sitting and sipping tea with shopping bags around her.

"Mum" Lu Yan ran over to her, shifted a shopping bag, and sat beside her. She hugged her on the neck happily.

Madam Lu smiled and asked "How was school? hope you had fun?"

"Yes mum, if only learning could be called fun" answered Lu Yan.

Madam Lu tapped Lu Yan on the head lightly " naughty" which earned a giggle from Lu Yan.

"Wei Yang, why are you standing there? come over here quick" Madam Lu called and waved for her to come closer.

Wei Yang walked over and sat opposite them.

"Yesterday, you went shopping with Lu Yan, but you didn't buy anything. I bought some clothes for you. Check them out to see if you like them"

Wei Yang did as told, she took the bags that were handed to her by Madam Lu and brought out what they contained. They were beautiful and elegant dresses with soft-tone colors.

"You shouldn't be wearing black and white every time Yang Yang. You are still very young and beautiful. Wear that when you have grown up, ok?" Madam Lu said.

Wei Yang looked at the clothes, her head turned down to conceal the novel emotions welling up. She has never experienced this before. No one has ever done this for her. Xu Tang would only give the nanny money to buy her what she needs. No one cared if what was bought was to her liking or not.

For the first time since she came into the Lu Residence, She smiled. "Thank you, I like them"

Madam Lu was overjoyed "I would love to hear you call me mother too," She said quietly.

"Mother," Wei Yang said with difficulty.

Madam Lu Jumped to her feet and pulled Wei Yang up "Let me hear you say it again my child" Her eyes turned red.

"Mother," Wei Yang said, but this time, it wasn't as difficult as the first time.

Madam Lu hugged her and cried "Finally, finally".

After the hug and crying which lasted up to two minutes, madam Lu pulled away from the hug and returned to her seat with a happy smile on her face. "Lu Yan, here is yours"

Lu Yan took her bag and opened it to reveal a small box. She opened the box and saw a necklace lying in it. She gasped and exclaimed "Mum!" she hugged her "I love you so much. You are the best" Madam Lu chuckled.

"You didn't exit Weibo before the accident happened last week, that was how I saw it"

Lu Yan looked at the silver tiny necklace with a red diamond ruby pendant with happiness "Thank you mum" She had seen the newest design of RULE on their weibo page last week. She really liked it, but her allowance wasn't enough. She intended to tell her mum about it when she gets home, but the accident that occurred made her forget it.

"Wei Yang here" Madam Lu gave her two red boxes. "This is my first gift to you as your mother, please accept it. It will make me happier seeing you put them on"

Wei Yang accepted the two small boxes and opened them. She took out a beautiful tiny silver bracelet from one and a tiny silver necklace with a small diamond pink ruby from the other. They were the description of beauty.

Lu Yan looked at them and swallowed. They were prettier than all the pieces of jewelry she has collected over the years. Her heart stirred, but she told herself, 'I won't be jealous, she is their real daughter. I took her place for years. I should be content.' She took them from Wei Yang and admired them. "They are so beautiful, I'm envious."

"Naughty girl, I bought you what you wanted," Madam Lu said.

"Yeah, I'm bad at choosing things, I won't be the one to choose next time. You choose for me...No, sister will choose for me, she has good taste." Lu Yan said, acting all childish.

"And how did you know that?" Asked Madam Lu with an eyebrow raised and a teasing smile on her lips.

"Instinct mum, instinct" Lu Yan said.

"Your instinct is very wrong" Wei Yang contributed which resulted in both Lu Yan and Madam Lu laughing hard and Wei Yang smiling.

"Thanks, mother, I like them," Wei Yang said.

"Alright, you girls go upstairs and change from your uniform...Oh, lest I forget, Wei Yang, your dad wants you to come over to the company after school"

Wei Yang paused on the stairs, then continued after answering with a grunt.

Lu Yan was baffled at why her father wanted Wei Yang at the company. She has been to the Lu cooperation only twice. She shook off the unpleasant thought from her head and continued walking the stairs after Wei Yang.