Denied Entrance

At the Lu cooperation, the securities wouldn't grant Wei Yang entry even when she mentioned being the daughter of Lu Kang Song.

"LoL.... Look at that, she's even claiming to be the Young Miss of the Lu family. Do you take us for fools? Who doesn't know the Young Miss of the Lu family; Lu Yan? Young girl go back, I don't want to use brute force, seeing how delicate you are, I might accidentally ruin your beautiful face" One of the security men said.

Wei Yang felt tired. She should have known this would happen. He was right, who doesn't know Lu Yan to be the only child Lu Kang Song has? She didn't even have their number else she wouldn't be stranded here. "Call Assistant Feng Li, Tell him Wei Yang is here"

The security men laughed "You don't want to leave? Fine... I will just throw you out. It Hurts my heart to do that to a beautiful girl like you, but this is my job" Said another. As he step forward to push Wei Yang out, a black car pulled over at the gate and Qi Mozi lowered the window glass. "What is going on here?" He asked.

"Mr. Qi" The three security men bowed. "We are trying to send the lady away, she got the wrong address"

" Are you sure? " Asked Qi Mozi with an eyebrow raised and his lips curled in a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Qi" they answered with their heads down.

"Let her in" Mo Ling tian's voice was heard. He sounded tired.


"If you still want to keep your job let her in," Mo Lingtian said.

"Yes," they answered, but wondered who their real boss was. Why was this Mo Lingtian acting like he was the boss? Humph.

They allowed Wei Yang in. When she walked through the gate, the car stopped by her side.

"We are heading to the same destination, get in let's give you a ride" Said Qi Mozi

Wei Yang didn't object, she got in and offered her thanks then closed her eyes and rested her head on the seat.

Four minutes later, they got to the Lu cooperation building. The building was far from the gate.

Wei Yang got down, and so did Mo Ling tian and Qi Mozi. The three of them walked into the company which garnered attention from the workers. They marveled at the beautiful sight.

Assistant Li was already waiting at the front desk to welcome Wei Yang. he forgot Wei Yang was not Lu Yan who was known as Lu Kang Song's daughter. When he saw Wei Yang coming in with Mo Lingtian and Qi Mozi, he was surprised, but quickly got over it.

"Welcome CEO Mo, Mr. Qi, and Wei Yang. This way please" he turned to lead them into the exclusive elevator.

Assistant Li sent Mo Lingtian and Qi Mozi to the waiting room and took Wei Yang along to the CEO's office.

"Yang Yang, you are here. Come have a sit" Lu Kang Song smiled and gestured at the long couch in the office. Wei Yang sat down and exchanged pleasantries with her father.

Assistant Li said "Boss, CEO Mo, and Mr. Qi are here"

Lu Kang Song was stunned "Why are they here?....Send them in" they didn't have an appointment so how could they come without informing him beforehand?

Seconds later Mo Ling tian and Qi Mozi walked into the office. "Welcome, please have a sit" Lu Kang Song stood up to greet them.

"No need for the formalities, we intruded," Mo Ling tian said and sat on the seat that was offered to him.

"We were passing by when we saw your daughter getting denied entrance at the gate, so we offered a helping hand." Qi Mozi said.

Wei Yang looked at them and thought 'didnt he say they were also coming here?'

Qi Mozi smiled at her, knowing exactly what she was thinking.

Lu Kang Song turned to Assistant Li who shook his head. He didn't know what happened at the gate, besides the gate was too far for him to know what happened there without being told.