Yihuan's Sorrow.

"Now that you are aware, it's time for you to say goodbye to the world. Even if you don't tell me where your son is, I will look for him myself and send him to you" Madam Duyi turned her gaze to the doctor who immediately stepped forward.

The nurse's head had become full and was about to burst from the information overload.

She turned to discreetly look at madam Duyi and seeing the creepy smile on her lips, her heart skipped several beats.

'This is a demoness' she begged the patient on the bed to forgive her countless times in her mind for treating her badly over the two weeks she was here.

She was told by the doctor to treat the patient badly that she was an evil woman who wanted to ruin madam Duyi's home. After all, madam Duyi was the hospital's benefactor.

When the hospital was on its knees she came in like an angel who helped them stand up again, even though they cannot in a thousand years compare to the Lu hospital.