Yihuan's Nightmare (2)

Meimei scanned the small hospital ward with her eyes and couldn't find a place for him to hide. Only the hospital bed was in the cramped ward.

This didn't look like a hospital ward in the first place. It looked more like a small store room, made into a ward, after all it was a completely separate room, standing alone from the hospital wards.

"Yihuan, hide under the bed, no matter what do not make a sound. For your mother's sake" Meimei begged.

Yihuan nodded and entered under the bed, making sure to coil himself from accidentally revealing his legs, even though the length of the bed was a little longer than him, he still coiled up.

Soon the door opened and four people walked in. A doctor, a Nurse, a rich woman and a young man wearing all black with bulging muscles. A fiery red fire tattoo was glaringly visible on his neck.

"Ugh, this place smells so bad, when you know I was coming why didn't you change the room or clean it up as little?!" The rich woman yelled at the doctor.