Yihuan's Nightmare.

"So? What if she's young? Her friends must have had those they crush on. I don't see her getting married in the future. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. But I'm very ok with that, I can marry her, right Yang yang?" he smiled as his face drew closer to her only for her to push away his obstructive face from her sight of view.

"I'm getting engaged on weekend" she dropped a bomb.

"clang!" the sound of plate falling on the rug pulled the surprised Yihuan out of his dazed state.

Luo Wenyu rushed to sit beside Wei Yang and held her head in both hands turning it right and left until Wei Yang slapped his hands away.

"You don't look sick and I don't any sign of hallucination" he said, gaining a speechless look from Wei Yang who said.

"Your medical knowledge needs to be questioned"

"Don't get off topic. Three days ago you were as single as a unicellular organism, how are you becoming engaged three days later?" Luo Wenyu who couldn't believe it voiced his doubt.