How it all started

At grandpa Dong's residence.

"...The top has destroyed five countries and are sending Michets to go search for the best doctors in all countries. Michet 10 was sent to country A. Please be careful Boss" the line beeped and silence followed. 

"W...wh...what? He destroyed five countries?" Grandpa Dong slowly removed his phone from his ears dumbstruck. He poured himself a glass of water with shaky hands and gulped it down in one go. Then furiously slammed the glass cup on the table.

He clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth. "Innocent Yang! You imbecile! do people's lives not matter to you at all !!" He Bellowed.

"Grandpa, what's going on?" Wei yang asked. 

She had arrived with Mo Lingtian a while ago to meet him talking to someone on his phone with furrowed brows.