Lu Kang Jun's Story

Wei Yang into the car, waiting for Mo lingtian who didn't keep her waiting before getting into the back seat with her. 

He glanced at Wei Yang and saw her eyes were reddened. He unbuckled her seat belt placed her head on his shoulder and said. "You can cry if you want to."

Johnny put down the divider when he heard that.

Soon light sobs could be heard in the car. Mo lingtian gently patted her back. He didn't understand how hurt she is, but before Wei Yang could cry like this, she must be deeply hurt.

He took her to his house and left her alone in her room to feed her rare emotions for a few days, so she won't go insane.

Wei Yang sat with her back resting on the headboard. She couldn't believe she was a designed weapon. Memories flashed to when she was still little.