Mae's angel

The next day at Yihuan's house. 

Mae woke up with a splitting headache. She sat up and looked around the unfamiliar room. She tried to remember what happened the night before, but her mind was foggy and she couldn't remember anything. The only image that was a little clear in her mind was the face of the angel who saved her. 

She glanced at her body and her clothes were still intact. She was surprised though because all the men she had come across couldn't wait a minute more to devour her, this was her first time being in the company of a man who didn't touch her. She got down from the bed and walked out of the room. 

At first, she had thought it was a hotel room until she got to the sitting room. The sitting room was a combination of blue and white. There were blue couches, a blue rug, a white wall, and blue and white curtains. The house although beautiful didn't give the vibe of a couple's house. "Is he a bachelor?" She whispered.