Harmful Butterfly

Fu cried out in pain and stood up to face him with her eyes brimming with tears. "What did I ever do to you? Why do you hate me so much? Why are you always bullying me? Is it because you think dad treated me better than he treated you and sister?" She didn't know where the confidence came from, but she decided it was time to let go of her timidity and face her brother head-on to clear the misconception he has in his mind. With that, she took off her shirt and turned her back to him. 

Ximen widened his eyes for a brief second at the crisscross marks on her back. "Those marks were made by father with a whip." She put on her shirt and turned to face him, tears running down her cheeks. Not knowing that YangXi who has woken up due to their noise had seen the horrifying scars.