Knock on death's door, answered

Mo lingtian's aura turned deadly after watching the video sent by Wei yang. Johnny and Jessica took a few steps away from him. In their minds, they lit a candle for Vivian and the person helping her promote her sympathy-hunting video.

Mo lingtian isn't a computer expert, nor is he a hacker. He logged into the dark web and assigned a mission to WY. He could have just called her for help but he didn't.

'Hi, find out the whereabout of Vivian, her family, and those helping her.' He typed.

WY who happened to be online at the moment: 'seven zeros'

L.WY: 'Express job, I will pay you eight zeros'

Wei yang raised a brow and typed: 'So rich.'

L.WY: 'It's not mine, for my wife'

Wei yang smiled then typed: 'She must be lucky'

L.WY: 'I'm the lucky one, but, unfortunately, she doesn't love me'