Hiding behind his wife

After the intense make-out, Mo lingtian went to the kitchen to prepare something for them. He found out on the island that Wei yang doesn't know how to cook. Not that he wanted her to enter the kitchen though, after all, he learned to cook for his future wife who turned out to be her, the woman he loves.

Mo lingtian has never for once thought, what if the woman he was betrothed to turns out to be someone he didn't like. Maybe he would have taken another alternative or probably marry her without giving his heart to her, after all, he was the best when it comes to seeing people as air.

Done with cooking a light breakfast, he took it to Wei yang on the bed and they had their breakfast in bed because she was too embarrassed to leave her room with swollen lips and a flushed face. Mo lingtian is certainly a monster.

After they were done eating and Pupi came in to take the dishes away, Mo Lingtian said his goodbye to his would-be wife and left for the office.