Escape Plan

"I will stay." Wei Yang interrupted with a low and raspy voice. Since Mo Lingtian had said she has a sore throat, it was better she makes it real.

Mo Lingtian and Old Wei Yang turned to look at Yang Yang simultaneously. "What are you saying?" Old Wei Yang asked with displeasure, lacing her tone.

"Grandma, you are like a grandma to me. I didn't have any while growing up and I feel happy with y… "

"You can't stay here." Old Wei Yang said firmly.

"But grandma, your sickness needs me to be here with you."

"I'm a doctor too dear, I can take care of myself." She gently massaged Wei Yang's hand.

Wei Yang shook her head, "no ma, I can't allow you to do that. I will take care of you until you are fine, probably three months."


" No buts grandma, I can handle it."

" Good. It's settled, I'll prepare separate buildings for you to settle in for the next three months." Innocent Yang said.