Killing Michet Five

Still not letting them go, Grandma Wei Yang held her head and started to scream.

"Grandma, what's going on, what's happening to you?" Wei Yang walked towards her and supported her with Mo Lingtian. "Grandma…"

"My head" grandma Wei Yang cried as she pulled herself from Mo Lingtian and Wei Yang's hold and walked to stand behind Michet Five.

Mo Lingtian and Wei Yang didn't stop her. She had told them earlier that she had a plan to bypass the stubborn Michet Five if it wouldn't let them pass.

Seeing their master's wife crying in pain, the Michets panicked. Michet Five started to get annoyed. "I told you to go back, if you had gone back, none of this would have–" its voice suddenly died down and the robot stood on its spot like a statue with its head down.

Grandma Wei Yang who was screaming a while ago walked out from the back of the Michet with a small wire in her fist. "Let's keep moving." She said,