Lu Yan's motive

Mo Lingtian got into Wei Yang's room to see that she was already sleeping, probably tired from overworking herself through the month. 

Not bothering to disturb her, he went to the bathroom for a cold bath before going to bed. 

Unbeknownst to him, Wei Yang wasn't sleeping. Seeing that her husband didn't touch her, nor gave her a goodnight kiss before sleeping, she also ignored him and closed her eyes. 

The two, for the first time, slept without cuddling with each other. 

The next morning… 

Mo Lingtian stirred in his sleep and felt for Wei Yang but her side of the bed was empty and cold. 

He opened his eyes and sat up. The shower wasn't running. He got up and walked to her closet but she wasn't there.

He went downstairs, hoping she would be there, but found no one but Pupi controlling the vacuum cleaner.

"Where is my wife?" He asked.