Lu Yan's regrets

Getting inside his room, Mi Cheng placed Lu Yan on the bed and walked over to his wardrobe, and brought out a first aid kit.

While carefully treating her wound, he would ask her, "what is Wei Yang's weakness?"

Lu Yan stopped bothering to answer him. She had told him countless times already that even though he killed her, she would not tell him anything. 

Not getting a response from the girl that couldn't even bother to glare at him anymore, he stayed silent while blowing on her injuries. 

Ten minutes passed in silence between the both of them. After Mi Cheng was done applying medicine and wrapping the serious injuries on her body, he went to keep the kit. However, when he came back to her, she was already lying on her bed with her sorrowful eyes closed. 

Mi Cheng stood there and looked at her for a long time before he left the room. 

The moment Lu Yan heard the closing sound of the door, she slowly opened her eyes and tried to sit up.