Denim Hospital

" Too bad, my wife and granddaughter are not coming. If the doctors there cannot heal her, then, call me again for the funeral." 

" You fool, are you wishing death on your granddaughter?!"

" You are– what?!! What nonsense are you talking about?"

" You, you, you bolded old man! Wei Yang is in Denim Hospital in the Capital right now and I'm on my way there, so you better bring your stupid old ass there immediately!" 

" Yes, I will be there, right away." 

The call disconnected and he stared at his wife. 

" What's going on?" She asked.

" Our Wei Yang is in the hospital, in the Capital." He answered.

" What is she doing in the hospital?" 

While asking that, she was already walking towards the door. "Dong, you wouldn't let me call you to take the wheel of the car, would you?" 

She asked when she saw her husband was lost in thought.