Denim Hospital (2)

Seeing that Wei Yang was fine, according to the doctor and the monitor, everyone, except Mo Lingtian, his mother, father, grandma, and grandpa left the hospital. 

A few hours later, the Lus rushed into the hospital. 

Lu Kang Song rushed to his daughter's bed and saw his beautiful daughter in bandages and his tears wouldn't stop running. 

He glanced at Mo Lingtian with reddened eyes. "Old cow, couldn't you take proper care of my daughter?" 

Mo Lingtian smiled faintly. " It's good that you are fine now, father-in-law, my wife will be happy to see you are well." 

Lu Kang Song rolled his eyes. 'What wife?' he thought. 

"I'm sorry Father-in-law, it's my fault that this happened to her and I promise it will never happen again." 

"What exactly happened?" Grandpa Dong asked as he stepped into the hospital room after saying a few words to his friend.