Rosie pushed the eject button but the machine wouldn't spew out her money. Someone coughed behind her, possibly Dustin, possibly trying to hide his snicker. She considered kicking the machine then kicking him. But then Cedric stepped forward, causing her to back away automatically, the people he'd been talking to gone, only Michael left.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

She couldn't quite meet his gaze. "Nothing's wrong, Mr. Orion. I'm just trying to buy some coffee but I think something's wrong with the vending machine."

"What's wrong with the coffee in your break room?"

"I wanted something cold."

"I'll have someone look into it," Michael suggested and Rosie hesitated before nodding.

"Thanks. Um, if there isn't anything else you need..."

Cedric closed the distance between them before she could start moving away. His hand was suddenly pressed gentle on her forehead, feeling her skin and she stiffened with shock.