"Why is Cedric glaring at you?"

Rosie sliced chopping the garlic long enough to glance at Cedric, who was sitting outside the garden, drinking coffee and sure enough, glaring at her. She sighed.

"He's gone insane," she muttered in answer to Calypso. "He's mad at me."

Calypso gave her a perplexed look. "Do you know why?"

"Nope." Because in all honesty, she wasn't sure.

"He's been mad at you since this morning, hasn't he? Are you okay with that?"

"I'm fine," she replied.

She wasn't though. Inside she was a colossal wreck.


That's what she needed.

When dinner was over, she'd retreat to her bedroom and put on her yoga clothes. She'd breathe deeply and clear her thoughts of him.

All of it.

Ugh, but her head was completely filled with useless thoughts. It felt like she couldn't control her emotions.

Was Cedric aware he was making her crazy?