It was dark.

She was crying.

And the walls were closing in on her.

It hurt.


And someone was screaming...


The nightmare that had her trapped was yanked out from under her when a hand reached out to her shoulder, gripping it tight. Her body jolted awake.

And Rosie opened her eyes.

"Are you alright, Miss Conley?" Christian asked, holding her car door open.

It took her a minute to get her bearings.

Took her another minute for the liquid terror in her head to go away.

Breathing heavily, heart pounding, Rosie forced a serene smile on her face and looked at Christian's worried eyes.

"I'm fine," she told him. "I was just so weary I took a nap. I didn't realize we were home."

Christian didn't look like he believed her. Desperate to escape the terror of the nightmare and for him not to tell anyone, Rosie reached for his hand, squeezing.