"Are you awake, Rosie?"

Rosie moved and blinked at the ceiling. She had no bad dreams again.

Sheets rustling had her turning her head to the side. Cedric was getting up from her bed. She pulled the covers up to her chest as she watched him pull up his pants.

"You can sleep more," he said when he noticed her staring at him. "It's the weekend."

"Okay," she muttered, her gaze drifting to his abs.

His lips twitched and he turned to pick his shirt off the floor. Then he walked back to the bed, leaning in to give her a kiss, soft and sweet. She moved to wrap her arms around his neck, pressing herself up to him to make him linger for a little while longer.

"Don't show me that face, Rosie," he murmured with a chuckle when he could finally pull his head back. "I still have a meeting downtown."

She smiled. Being greeted in the morning by her lover was happiness.