"Are you happy, Rosie?"

Rosie's head jerked to him at that question. But Aiden wasn't looking at her. He was looking straight over her head.

She stopped walking. And gave it some thought.

"I think I am," she answered quietly, then amended, "I'd like to think that I am."

She thought she might have just imagined it but she thought she saw Aiden's shoulders relax in relief.

"That's good to hear," he said just as quietly.

"It still seems like a dream to be with the man I love..." she trailed off, feeling a blush creeping up her cheeks. "I mean..."

He smiled at her. "I know what you mean, Rosie. Don't worry."

"I keep thinking...

"Stop," he ordered.

She blinked. "Why?"

"You're only going to say things that might piss Cedric off, so just stop."

She chuckled. "He's not here. But yeah. You're right. He does magically appear whenever I talk bad about him. Which I wasn't going to but... you know what I mean."