"What the fuck are you doing here again?"

Rosie stopped walking and turned. Aiden was looking at her like she was nothing but dirt under his feet. She sighed.

"You don't own this school, Aiden."

His scowl deepened. "Only club members are allowed on the soccer field, stupid."

"I'm not even on the field!" she burst out. "I'm just using the path beside it!"

"You're here to see Cedric, aren't you?"

"And what's it to you? You're not his guardian."

He took a threatening step forward. She didn't move.

"Why do you hate me so much, Aiden?" she asked him in frustration.

He stopped moving.

Looked at her straight in the eyes.

And said the words that she would never forget. "Because you're despicable."


Rosie opened her eyes.

She looked at the clock. It was three in the morning.