Rosie walked down the cobbled path from Calypso's cottage after breakfast, eyes moving through the garden unseeing, questions still plaguing her mind frustratingly so. It was a beautiful, clear day but she couldn't enjoy it as she was still feeling miserable about Cedric. Once again, as always seems to be the case, life wasn't on her side.

In the end, she fell for Cedric all over again.

Perhaps, it was just bound to happen.

Rosie sighed and kicked a stray pebble of the cobbled path.

Loving Cedric.

After all... he was still the same person she fell in love back then.


Rosie's head shot back and she stopped dead. Cedric, arms crossed over his chest, one shoulder resting against the doorjamb, was staring at her. And seeing him, she couldn't make any words come out and only could take him in.