"Now... about the issue of the KL Corporation..." Cedric tapped a finger on the file before him, glancing up at Michael. "If this continues, a takeover is possible."

Michael nodded while he took notes on his tablet. "Should we let the same team deal with it?"

"Schedule a meeting."

"Alright sir."

"Anyway, did we secure the contract with the advertisement model?"

Michael tilted his head forward. "Our people are still working on it."

"Why the hell are they still working on it?" Cedric asked with a frown. 

His Executive Assistant grinned. "Because apparently, she wants to set up a private meeting with you to discuss the matter."

His frown immediately turned into a scowl.

Michael went on, "Should we find another model?"

"Do it."

Michael's grin went wider. "Yes, Mr. Orion."