"Seriously, your brother should cut you some slack," Aiden told Cedric as he dropped the documents he'd been reading back on the table. "He can't just dump this contract on you too."

Cedric leaned back on the chair with a frown. The two had been in his conference room for some time and had yet to agree on the terms regarding an investment when the topic turned to his brother. "His wife just gave birth, Aiden. He needs to be by her side."

Aiden scoffed, "Don't give me that bullshit. We both know he's incompetent. That is why your father is eyeing you as successor instead."

"It's not a competition."

"Says the man who makes everything a competition."

"And he's not incompetent," Cedric snapped, shooting him a glare. "He just has other priorities right now."

Aiden shrugged. "Well, couldn't he multitask?"