In Shadow's world

Mr. Brown woke up in an endless black void. He blinked a bit, looking at himself, confused and scared by his earlier experience. He moved his right arm, the one that had been broken before and, to his surprise, there was no pain. How long had he been out? If his arm was healed, it could have been months... or it could have been healed with magic.

A cold presence interrupted his frantic train of thought. The darkness moved and from it emerged a girl. Black as the night, the only things he could see from her were a pearly white mischievous smile and a pair of stormy grey eyes, which looked so much brighter with her black skin.

"Well, I have to say, it's so good to see you in person."

At the sound of Mrs. Summer's voice, cold and cutting, he scrambled back. This had to be the monster responsible for all the disasters around Aetheria.

She laughed at his pitiful retreat.