when I opened my eyes I was in a black space. in that black space, I was floating.

"hm? where am I?"

this space, have I seen it before? as I was thinking that I heard a large base voice

{you woke up kid?}

there was a huge base voice as I was searching for the figure. a red color light suddenly came like a blast and as it settled it formed into a huge figure with a dragon silhouette in the middle of the light. I remember that figure and I definitely know that voice. this is the bastard who is always coming into my dream every morning with other bastards and ruining my dream with the ones that I love. I spoke to the figure with an angry voice.

"hey you, you are the bastard that always comes into my dream every morning when I was in a good part with the girls I like in my dream, aren't you?"

when I say that angrily to him–


I cannot see it but I can feel he is making a dumbfounded face. this bastard

"don't play dumb. I didn't even have a good time in my life. when I thought I would have a good time in my dream life. you didn't even let me have fun in that dream world either. and now that I am dead I cannot even dream no—.... huh!?"

I was talking to him without even a concern but I suddenly remembered that I died. then why am I still dreaming?. wait, can souls even dream

{fu, fu, fu. so, you've noticed huh. anyway just as I thought you are interesting. you can see my appearance and size and yet you can talk to me like that. glad that you are my host this time around. fu, fu, fu}

the dragon talked to me who;e chuckling. huh? host? what is this dragon talking about?

"hey what are you talking about? what do you mean by interesting, more importantly, what do you mean by the host?"

{none of my hosts ever spoke to me like that. fu, fu, fu that is why you are interesting. well, first I was interested in the 'chi' that you are wielding. it is more than enough for you to be qualified as my master. to me who is a creator rank. but where have I felt that chi?}

huh? chi? master? host? creator rank? what the hell is he talking about? I don't understand a thing about it.

{that face tells me that you don't know anything. well, don't worry about it, you will find out soon}

right after he told me that—

[bam, bam....bam]

big sounds were echoing towards us like two heavy objects collided with each other. the dragon in front of me also looked confused.

as I looked in the direction of the sound along with the dragon

[bam, tshh, tshh, bam, bam….. tshhh]

[bam, plwap, bam, plwap, bam....plwap]

there were big fights, they were moving too fast to be recognized, all I can see are great giant flashlights with explosive scenes and sounds. they are so big that it feels like they can easily destroy a planet.

I know this as well. I definitely know this. this is the same dream. the dream I felt right after the dragon dream. where the other two bastards of these three come. basically, these guys are also the reason that I have missed my dreams every time right around when I kiss both of them. these guys come and always destroy it.

I wanna go and complain to these bastards. uh– I can't move why? and why do I have cold feet? is it due to the effect of space?

{why are you trying to move? if it is about going there then don't even think about it. their fight is so strong and explosive. this may be a dream but going there and getting enveloped in those shockwaves mean only death. you will die from the imaginary pain and shock your brain receives from it. that is how strong those attacks are. I can feel their chi and magic power. it is off the charts. I would've never thought that I would see something like this.}

even the dragon has narrowed eyes like it is in shock. just what is this?. so I asked

"just who and what are you?"

when I asked that to the dragon he replied

{that is my line–}

just when he was about to say that the fight suddenly stops

the two fighters are facing each other in a distance from us and each other

it looks like they are talking but I cannot hear anything

I cannot see their faces as well all I can see are two dark-colored bodies that are slightly illuminated by their shining hair. one of them has a shiny bright blue color hair and the other have a shiny bright purple color hair. and some items like hair guards other bright items that are the exact color of their hair

at the end, the blue hair person joined his palms in a way where only the end of their fingers come in contact with respect to each finger of the other palm.

{oh no, it seems like we are out of time. you'll know everything once you go back. I can already feel a vast amount of chi and magical force releasing from that blue-haired guy. as I told you if it hits you then you'll die from the shock you receive to your brain in real life}

I will die? but I have already died. how would I die again? he has been spouting nonsense from the start


{we don't have time now. as I told you, you will know everything in a while. you have to go now}

"then what about you?"

{dont worry about me I am just a soul existence, so I will be alright. after the destruction, I will be reformed. I will see you later.}

wait a soul existence than what am I?

while I was thinking that while facing the two fighters. I saw a huge light appearing from the blue-haired fighter and the purple-haired fighter was in a panic. while I was looking that the dragon pushed me back so hard that I was practically thrown away. the light gradually started to increase while the dragon faced me and talked.

{remember, my name is Abeloth, we shall meet again.}

while he was saying that there was a huge blast of light that swallowed the dragon whole. wait, is he going to be okay?

well, no need to worry I think. but he definitely said he is a soul existence. so he is definitely alright.

but what about me? he said so many things that I don't know and he spoke as if I am still alive.

does that mean he was messing with me? but why would he do that? I mean I know I died back then.



I suddenly remembered that incident and I felt like my breath was taken out from me. that monster killed me. I am dead. probably I am going to heaven.

the light in front of me that swallowed the drago– Abeloth filled the entire view and has dimmed and suddenly I can see a ceiling. wait, was that light this all along. I woke up from the position. was that all a dream?. no, it was definitely not. I kind of feel numb in the head as if I have slept more than I have to. I looked into my surroundings. I could see men and women around me. adults four members being protected by 8 members. 2 for each member. why are they all looking terrified? I can practically see their body shaking and their facial expression is of an afraid face.

who are they? are they heaven's agents or something? but I thought heaven means that there would be angels. I asked them when I looked at them.

"who…. are you… people?"