when I woke up from my sleep. I saw four people being protected by 8 people. the 4 people were a handsome man in red hair with a red cape, a beautiful woman in blue hair with a coat hanging out with only shoulders attached as if it were a cape, a person in green hair with a green color cape attached, and another person in black hair wearing a white coat. they were all standing behind 8 people taking a battle stance with weapons. all of them are afraid.

I don't think this is heaven. maybe I should ask these people

"who…. are you….. people?"

after asking that question everybody looked a little tense and at the same time, they were confused.

"Is this not heaven? where am I? I should've gone to heaven after my death…."

while I was asking those questions to myself I can hear those people talking.

"is he really the one who released the dragon aura just now?"

when the blue-haired woman was talking about that I looked towards her. the people guarding her became even more alert while sweating cold.

the one in front of the green-haired man spoke.

"master Dante. please stay back"

oh~, so his name is Dante huh

as I was thinking that the one in front of the black-haired man asked while sweating bullets and being on high alert. why are they on alert like that

"hey, who are you?"

"huh? me?"

"Yeah, you. what is that aura that you released just now?"

"huh? aura? what aura? what are you talking about?"

what aura is he talking about? did I release any aura just now.

I instantly checked my body. what is an aura by the way?. I heard so many things that I don't understand today.

when I look at my body with a confused face. the red-haired man. as if he understand stepped forward while smiling.

as he was about to step forward the person who dressed as a maid with silver hair who was guardian spoke with a serious and terrifying expression.

"master lucifer step back"

then he replied to her.

"don't worry this kid is just a little confused at the moment. so all I am going to do is clear up his confusion"

mhmm, he understood me. he stepped forward and started to move closer as spoke.

"well, after all, he died in the hands of a celestial creature. so no wonder he thinks he is in heaven."

celestial creature? yet another word that I don't understand. what the hell is happening today?

"wait de she just says lucifer? where have I heard that name before?"

as I was thinking like that he stopped in front of me and introduced himself.

"Hello, nice to meet you. my name is Solomon lucifer. one of the demon kings in the underworld"

"ah~ now I get it, now I know where I had heard that name. I heard that in some anime–..... wait, demon king? underworld? then does that mean I am not heaven?"

"yes,.... you are not in Heaven"

he said that while looking away

what?.... I am not in heaven. then I am in hell? that is definitely the case. if he is a demon king and he standing in front of me then that means I am in hell. I even got to hell. what kind of sin I have made now? taking the blame for not doing anything?

I suddenly feel depressed. I was laughing instinctively while feeling pain in my heart.


huh? what are drops? oh, it is from eyes huh. I didn't think that one could cry even if they were soul. haha ha


as I was crying I talked

"what… have I…. done?"


"What have I done to deserve this?*sniff**sniff*. my unluck has brought me to death and now it even followed my soul and brought me to hell. even though I have not committed any sin. why!!!? why!!!?"

as I was crying like that all of the others looked at me with concerned faces and confused faces. the red-haired man suddenly had a painful expression on his face. and he talked to me.

"I know it might be hard on you. don't worry everything will be alright"

"what do you know about me!!!?*sniff*"

I shouted at him. I know he was trying to console me. but I could not help but get angry. it was the frustration I felt up until now.

then one of the pair which is the silver-haired woman with a maid outfit that was guarding him until now talked to me angrily

"hey, watch your tone you are talking to the demon ki–"

that person stops talking when the red-haired demon king raises his hand as if he was signing her to stop. the silver-haired woman with a serious expression stepped back as the red-haired man spoke to me

"I know everything about you"


he told me which made me stunned. my tears were still flowing from my eyes to my chin. people in the back were also confused by what he told as he talked to my stunned face

"you have a loving family, a loving brother, and your only two best friends. these are the bright side of your life while you were lonely from your childhood without any friends just like how we faced in our childhood, you always visited a shrine to wish for you to give friends and right after you started you got your only two best friends at the age of 14. right around yesterday you were framed for a wrong thing after that you got punished and to get out of that pain you went to the park where a shrine you always visited from your childhood is located where you have seen the celestial creature and died by facing it, right?"

everybody in the back including me was stunned by all that

"how did you–"

as I was about to ask him he cut right through my sentence and talked to me.

"I was shown all the memories when I was bringing back to life"

I was stunned even more. wait did I hear correct? bringing back to life?


he asked me after seeing my expression

"ah, don't worry I have only seen a gist of your memories so don't worry about your privacy."

"that is not the point here"

I stopped crying after hearing all those words. I have finally found someone who can understand my pain. my heart has gained back its warmth. so I asked him in return


"hm? what is it?"

"There are some things that I wanna ask about but first what do you mean by bringing back to life?"

"just what it sounds like. I have brought you back to life by using some big process and turned you into a demon"

"huh? demon?.....wait? did I just hear demonnnnnnnnn?"


"wait, I am a demon now?" but I don't have any horns or wings or even tail"

I checked my body and there were none of those qualities.

"ah~, about that we have changed our appearance into humans. so we hide our wings as for the tails we don't have them over hundreds of millions of years."

"oh~, I see. wait, hundred million years!? how old are you?"

"well, we are not that old but the demons and gods lived in this world for over billions of years. ah, we have not introduced ourselves right we will do that now."

he told me that and looked at the others in the back all the people who showed fear on their faces have turned normal and the people that were guarding were also relieved from their alert and set back their weapons and after that, the man with green hair appeared

"wait, wait, wait, me first"

as he stepped forward and was about to introduce himself the blue-haired woman stopped him and stepped forward and introduced herself.

"my name is Aoi leviathan. one of the four demon kings in the new generation it is a pleasure."

she introduced herself in a flashy manner making a peace sign with her hands. strange women but beautiful though

after her the green-haired man stepped forward while sighing and introduced himself. maybe he is sighing because of the blue-haired woman before.

"my name is Dante Beelzebub. one of the four demon kings of the new generation. nice to meet you"

after him, a black-haired man stepped forward and said

"my name is Alphonse Sathanas. demon king from the same generation. it is a pleasure to meet you."

he is the only decent introduction I got.

the demon lord introductions were over in the meantime I got down from the slab that I was lying on and stood on the solid ground.

then a person with long hair tied in a ponytail and a katana hanging to his samurai clothes stepped forward and introduced himself with a smile on his face.

"my name is Yamada Keinshi. servant of boss Solomon and the swordsman of the lucifer group."

then a silver-haired woman who looked at me angrily before stepped forward and introduced herself with an expressionless face.

"my name is victoria lucifage. servant of lord Solomon and the magician of the lucifer group."

though they hesitated at first when these two introduced themselves along with the flow all the other 6 members also introduced themselves.

"my name is kenichi pendragon. servant and swordsman of mistress Aoi"

a gentleman in a suit and glasses introduced himself while holding his sword on his waist.

a big man stepped forward and introduced himself.

"I am Isamu Jura. the brawler and a servant serving under boss Aoi."

while her servants introduced themselves the demon king Aoi puffed out her chest as if she was proud of it. uh… why is she proud again?

after that, a woman with short hair and a petite body stepped forward.

"I am Hotaka yaegashi. the brawler and servant of brother dante."

after her, a short man with a wand in his hand introduced himself while looking timid.

"I am edward yashikage. the magician of brother dante and his servant"

brother? wait these two call him brother?

as I was thinking that a woman who was wearing armor with a pony tail and sword introduced herself

"i am akari hijikata servant of lord alphonse and his swordsman"

and with the same face and same dressing style, a man stepped forward. wait are they twins?

"I am akira hijikata. the swordsman and servant of master alphonse"

yeah, they are twins alright.

at first, they hesitated at first but they introduced themselves now. at first, I sensed fear in them but now that is there. but why was there fear at first?

as i was thinking that lucifer stepped forward after nodding to the other demon lords and started talking

"now, let me introduce myself to you formally. my name is solomon lucifer. one of the 4 demon kings of the new generation and I as the demon king–"

the demon king solomon kneeled on one leg his head. other demon kings and servants had shocked. in fact, I was also shocked. he is a king of the under world and he is kneeling infront of me. even though they were shocked they recovered and the other three demon kings looked towards each other and nodded and took the same position to me on one knee after they took a step forward and kneeled in the same row of Solomon and looking that, the servants were stunned at first but nodded seeing other same as what the other three demon kings did and they took the same position as the demon kings in the back row in order and right behind their respective masters.

what the hell are they doing!!? the kings of the underworld which mean the top of the hell. why are they kneeling infront of me?

as I was thinking that Solomon continued where he stopped before kneeling

"I request you... no, I beg of you to save the underworld, and also as the successor of the ancestor demon kings I also beg you to save the heaven."

he told me as everybody and himself bowed their heads down completely with a bitter expression on their faces.

what are they doing!!? they are dishonoring the name king. seriously what is going on?

"Please stop doing that. show some pride would you? you guys are the demon kings. if you do that you will just dishonor yourselves. and what do you mean by saving?"

when I said that Alphonse replied with a painful expression

"right now the underworld and heaven are in crisis. we are tired of our inability. our people are suffering. we are unable to save and fight for the sake of our people. we cannot run away anymore. that is the reason why we are turning towards you for help. for our people, we will not worry about stupid pride. please you are the only that can help us. we cannot fight on our own anymore."

"what are you talking about?"

as I was asking that lucifer replied

"the word lucifer means pride. I am ready to throw that meaning away if it is to save our people and world. please help us"

"seriously what are you talking about? what is this crisis you keep on saying? and what power do I have, for you to turn towards me and beg for it? I am just a weakili–"

as I was about to say that lucifer intervened



"You are no weakling. you have power inside of you. it is the red dragon one of the three heavenly dragons and the crisis that we keep on talking about is celestial creatures"

"celestial….. creatures?"

"yes, the species that killed you and the reason that you went through the suffering from your childhood"

"what? the reason for my suffering?"

when I made a complicated face Solomon stood and others from their position and Solomon talked with a serious expression

"I will tell you what happened. everything about the crisis and how it is that you have the power to stop this crisis and how is this crisis related to your suffering. I will tell you everything."

as he said that he started to explain everything.