20 years ago, the time where the demon king generation before Solomon lucifer and the group were ruling the underworld. in an island somewhere in the underworld. in a small house, there was a mother who was giving birth to her child. the house was in a village and the people of the village all were waiting outside the house while the father was moving restlessly around with a tense face.

"waaahhh, waahhh"

after some time passed there was a loud cry from the baby that was born from the mother. it was a healthy baby boy. mother was sweaty yet smiling from the bottom of her heart and the father held the baby that was crying out loud with tears around his eyes. he was saying something to the baby who was crying.

as they were happily celebrating.



the baby's body started to shine in red and seeing that the father who was holding the baby was startled and was worried and the mother was frightened. as they were all worried, the red aura that the baby was shining started to shimmer, and as it lightly dimmed and started to concentrate on the baby's right shoulder.

as it completely shimmered the aura took the shape of a specific symbol with a reddish color. it is the Zodiac symbol. a symbol that represents the zodiac guardians. the creator set up a protocol for the case of zodiac guardians' death and that was a newborn baby who is capable in all sorts of ways for protecting the planet would inherit the first generation zodiacs strength and magic power along with their memories. to make all those happen the creator made 12 individual symbols where each represents a zodiac guardian.

all these symbols exist on a stone tabular made by the creator which is present in the mainland of hell and heaven each. each tabular holds 6 symbols. all the odd ranks starting from rank - 1 would be present on the hell side and all the even ranks starting from rank - 2 would be on the heaven side. the zodiac guardians protect the planets all together but the places they stay are divided by the creator to show the equality between hell and heaven. the reason heaven has rank 2 but not rank 1 is because the existence is known as the god ruling over heaven.

when a suitable inheritor is found the symbol vanishes from the stone tabular and plants itself on the newborn baby. and if the inheritor dies the symbols get back to the stone tabular.

what happened to the baby was the same thing. what happened appeared on the baby was zodiac rank - 11, the creator of annihilation.

the celestials had sniffed their natural enemy, a zodiac guardian was inherited. the reason is the celestial creatures have control over the mainland of hell and heaven. they always keep an eye on the stone tabular in the main island to prevent inheritors of the zodiac guardians as soon as they found out that the zodiac power was inherited they sent 2 hordes of low-level celestials and 1 horde of intermediate celestials 10 high- levels and 4 leader levels.

when they invaded the previous generation demon kings who identified the invasion created a barrier to stop them from killing the newborn baby but they failed and died while trying to stop them. the celestials came for the zodiac baby. the mother and father of the baby who saw the invasion of the zodiacs tried to escape but all the celestials were concentrated on the baby so they were not able to escape.

the father tried to stop them. the mother tried to run away with the baby. she just given birth to the baby so she was completely weak and in pain yet, she did not care about that pain. the parents' priority right now was to save their beloved child. so they did not care about anything other.

as the mother was running away she looked back how to her husband while crying and when she looks that way her husband was killed right in front of her. she cried, she was terrified, she was exhausted yet she did not stop.

the low class and intermediate class were fighting the fighters of the island while the civilians were evacuating the main city all the villagers were coming to join in the evacuation and the mother was in the middle of the forest and trying to join up with the people who were evacuating but she was being chased by the high-level celestials who had killed her husband. the mother who was exhausted and seeing the celestials were catching up to her she could not do anything but hide. she knew she could not hide there forever. with an exhausted, she was close to death.

she was found out by the celestials when she was breathing heavily and when they found out she was running again and as she ran–

"please…..just this baby…. just my son….. please save my son…. I am ready to die…. save my son in exchange…. of my life"

she prayed while breathing heavily. her vision got blurred due to exhaustion and she even slowed and the celestial took the chance and pinned down the mother.

as she was pinned down she hid her baby beneath her and refused to give an opening to kill the baby. but the celestial was about to kill the baby and mother together and raised its hand. the mother who saw that she prayed with all her might and screamed

"please save my sonnnnnnn"

as soon as she screamed like that as if to answer her prayers a huge golden light pillar which was extending to the endless sky appeared infront of her. the celestials who saw that were a bit scared and soon from the light pillar a long golden baton hit the celestial who was pinned down the mother as soon as the celestial was hit, it was cut in half.

as the light pillar reduced its height and dimmed there was an old man wearing clothes that look completely divine and with long white hair and a long beard. he was standing in the place of the light that appeared. he pushed all of the high levels and stood in front of the mother who was desperately protecting her son. as soon as she looked at him she asked

"who are you?"

"who came to answer your prayers, god"

"god!?... but why would you help demons like us?"

"It doesn't matter who it is I came to answer your desperate prayers. you may be a demon… but you are also a mother that is saving her child with her life."

as soon as she heard that. she lifted her body and took out the baby that was wrapped in the white towel who was crying. she looked at the baby with teary eyes and kissed her son on the forehead and said

"Goodbye, my son who I was not even able to name. Please stay healthy and live a happy life."

as she said that she gave her child to the god as she said

"Please take care of my child."

"don't worry, I will transport you both to a safe plac–"

"no need, I am…. beyond any help. if… I am going… to die… then I will die… in the same place… as my… beloved"

as soon as a god heard that he looked down to the ground and said while turning his back on her.

"I will save this child with my life."

"thank… you"

as soon as she said that she passed away with a smile on her face.

god took off and appeared on the island that the people are evacuating and sending reinforcements. there were so many ships that were about to depart to fight the celestials then the god went to one of the ships and handed over the baby and said that there was no need to send them to the island anymore.

as soon as he said that he raised his hand and the people that were alive and the fighters that were fighting were all transported to the island. and as he checked whether all the people were transported he said to the person who he gave the baby.

"protect the island with your barrier and I will also set a barrier. after that send this baby to the surface I asked the earth guardians to protect this baby. in the meantime, I will divert the celestials that are headed this way."

"Why are you doing this?"

"I am tired of people dying. this zodiac is one of the survived zodiacs. the others were in a dimensional gap. some are on the surface when they are all matured enough to use them to save the world."


"There is no time, the celestials are coming this way. I will be heading now."

as soon as he said that he went off flying and as he left the island border he placed a barrier with a golden color and left to fight the celestials.

he went and fought all the celestials that were there all by himself. but as the fight went on he more and more celestials came on and even higher levels than the leader class came on to the battlefield. he destroyed all the low-level celestials that mid-level celestials that came to the island and god were highly injured by the higher levels. he was clearly overpowered by the quantity of the celestials and was outmatched. as he died heroically on the battlefield by protecting many demons and zodiac guardians

his last words were

"I leave the rest to you"

nobody knows who he was referring to at that time. but from that day forward the entire hell and the zodiac were all grateful to his sacrifice and started to cooperate with heaven from that time. the heaven was in shambles at that time as some had cried when the god died and some balmed demons but that was all settled when the god's close aide archangel Michael took over the heaven and was controlling the heaven and left the throne that the god used as it is as if he were waiting for the god to come back.

the demons felt guilty and for his death. at the same time, the god died the demons also lost the land that was saved by the god.


everyone in the room was silent.


my eyes were dripping with tears. not only me all the others had the same kind of expression. even the demon kings were crying

even Solomon had tears from his eyes after saying all this.

no wonder they are all crying. they say that God is the kindest being. he even saved their natural opposite the demons and even sacrificed his life for it.

Solomon said after clearing his eyes

"they say that the desperate situations rise unexpectable results. by the sacrifice of the god, heaven and hell cooperated with each other but we were not able to take back even one land from them. we only lost more and more fighters in defensive battles. more and more teams in expeditions. so, we are turning towards you right now. you and the other heavenly dragons are our only hope. please save heaven and hell and give meaning to the sacrifice that the god made."

Solomon is basically begging me, but–

"I cannot even activate the power of the red dragon on my own and I am not only strong enough I am a single person. how can I help you?"

it was hard for me to reject it after hearing all the stories he said. yet, I was just staying all those and when I said that while looking down Alphonse stepped forward and said

"regarding that matter, leave it to us we will assign you a teacher and a team when you are going to fight."

"even if you say that…."

I hesitated even after all that he said. I am pathetic

"must've been traumatic right?"

my eyes were widened when I heard that. it was Solomon who said that and he continued.

"you were lonely before dying, hated, abused, bullied and among all of them, your encounter and death were more shocking. it must've been traumatic, right?"


bullseye, what he said was right on the mark. I didn't say anything but only nodded weakly.

"We know how that feels…. all of us"

when Solomon said that everybody looked a little pained. however, he regained his poster and continued to say.

"Okay, then train your body and power here. after training, you can tell me whether you want to fight for us or go back to the surface. we will accept whatever decision you make."


I suddenly lift my head. I did not believe what I heard.

"as I said we will agree with whatever decision you make. it is okay with you guys right?"

when he asked that to the other demon kings they all nodded.

"We are friends, right? I don't want my friend to do what he doesn't want."

they all smiled and accepted what Solomon said. Solomon came to me asked

"but as a friend just promise me one thing"

"what is it?"

"if we were to die and our land is about to be taken into the hands of the celestial creatures as well. then please fight and save the people and this island."

he asked me that while desperately bowing to me. I was confused and without even thinking anything

"y-yeah, sure"

I said that. but what he said was something that I did not even want to imagine it. those words kept resonating inside my head.

as soon as I said that he sighed as if he was relieved and said

"thank you, now my heart is a bit relieved"

he said that to me with a smile and the others were happy as well but not as happy when I said about the red dragon dream.

"Okay, now come with us. we will show you to your master."

he led the way and I followed him.

as he led the way he talked to his servant

"victoria go and inform and sensei that I wanted to talk about something"


as soon he said that to his servant she left the room and he talked to me

"your master, he is pretty strict but he is pretty strong as well. so he will teach you everything."

he is saying stuff about my master and he is also talking to others playfully but I did not care any of that the only thing that I care about right now is—

—if we were to die–

the words that Solomon said were the only words that keep on hearing. am I going to lose the new friends that I made? even though they are older than me, even though they are the demon kings, but they are my friends. I cannot lose my friends. if I fight they will not die. but–

— *pierce*


I felt a chill once again as the memory of the celestial encounter and it piercing through my heart was reminded to me. that was really traumatic to me. but I don't want my new friends to die. I could not decide between those two as I kept on following behind them.