"master Solomon we brought him to the place."

we all moved and were sitting in a luxurious living room on the couches. Solomon was sitting beside me and all the other demon kings were sitting in crouches as the servants were standing behind them. the servants of Solomon who went to bring my new teacher came back and reported to Solomon

"there it is katsu. your new master who is going to teach you how to control the red dragon"

Solomon said that and Alphonse continued

"Although we did not give him any specifics about you. so you also don't tell him anything about coming back from dead. we will tell him everything in a meeting."

then Dante spoke,

"he came so that we can just show you to him."

"I see"

when I was saying that Solomon stood up

"shall we go then?"

"Yeah, sure"

I am kind of nervous to see this new master of mine. they said he was pretty strong and strict but, a great teacher.

"so which way?"

when I asked that Solomon looked towards me with a smile and said

"there is no need for a way"

"eh? what do you mean by that?"

when I asked he placed his hand on my shoulder as he said.

"What I mean is this"

as soon as he said that a was magic circle glowing beneath our feet–.


and the next moment my view has changed. I am now in a forest with some big trees and there are mountains that are surrounding the entire forest. wait what the hell just happened

"what was that!!!?"

when I asked in an exciting tone Solomon said with a smug face

"that was transportation magic"

"that was basic magic that any of us here could use. so why the hell are acting smug?"


when he said that Aoi made a harsh comment to him. well, that aside so this is magic huh. wonder i can learn it.

"anyway what is this place?. the entire forest is huge and not to mention these big trees."

when I asked that Aoi explained to me

"This is the forest for the natural abundance of the food. 25% of the entire island is a forest. we use this for shelter when a celestial invades the island."

"wait used as a shelter. is it not going to be dangerous?"

when I asked that Dante explained to me

"you see the celestials are attracted to magic the more magic the more their body is pulled to. no matter how many magic sources it is attracted to all those. so, this forest is great for shelter"

"what do you mean by that?"

"you see this forest is not only a natural abundance of food. but also the natural abundance of magic. so if the celestials come to this place then it is just like using a compass in the mountain range that is full of magnetic waves."

"magic? now that you mention it even I can feel something warm and pleasant vibe from this forest"

"well, that should be obvious because the magic that exists over this forest is none other than the creator's himself"

"the creator?"

when I said that he nodded and continued

"The reason that even you can feel the magic is simply the magic source produced this is so big."

"why does creator magic exist here?"

when I asked that Alphonse explained

"It is said that whenever the creator visited either hell or heaven he constantly went to one place in both hell and heaven. he went there to do meditation for peace of mind. but those places have accumulated so much magic that they reshaped themselves entirely and that place in this hell is this forest. It is called the natural forest of hell. generally, this place is way bigger than this but the thing is when the fight between the strongest generation demon kings and heavenly dragons took place. along with the land, the forest also divided that each island has the forest as part of every island."

"awesome..... then what about the place in heaven?"

"the land in the heaven shaped itself into a plateau and it is known as the magical plateau of heaven."

somehow hearing all this is very exciting. so I continued to ask all the questions I had in my mind.

"t-then is there a sun and a moon in the hell?"

"yeah, there are. although they are made."


"yes, they are made by the first generation zodiac guardians. the sun is also important to the demons and the moon is beautiful. and this sunlight cannot kill vampires unlike the sunlight on earth. since they also live here the zodiac guardians made sure that everybody can live comfortably"

"then does that mean vampires can also live in the light over here"

"yes, they can live but they are not used to the light. so they live in darkness and for that, the zodiac guardians made sure that their island does not receive the light for their comfort."

"oh~, so the zodiac guardians even have the power to create a natural thing on their own huh."

"well, pretty much it. you see the zodiacs are nature itself."



"oh~... and you said that the vampires also live here right?"

"well, as mentioned before dragons also live here vampires and many other races so let's leave it at that."

I asked them so many questions out of excitement and they all answered me with a smile on their face and as we were all speaking–

"young ones these days sure make the elderly wait for so long."

we heard an old man's voice. when we turned in that direction there was a man who seemed like he was in his 50's with long white hair and a short beard wearing clothes that were similar to samurai-looking clothes with a casual coat over them. he has a stick in his hands with a blindfold over his eyes. and he was walking towards us with his hands behind his back.

right after the moment, everybody saw him. all the demon kings and their servants bowed their heads. hm? are they scared? they are shaking and sweating. no must be my imagination. I followed their way and bowed my head as well.

""""it has been too long, sensei""""

"mhm, good to see you young ones are doing well even after so long. may be it has almost been 80 years right?"

wait 80 years. they look only 20 years to me.

"Well you see, demon's life span is so long. it is like 20 years for us when you live for 100 years or so. we can even change our appearance and always look young if we like it."

"I see"

Aoi explained it to me in a whispering voice after understanding my expression. I see then I will also live a long life, right?.

"you are not slacking off right in your training right?"

when he said that everybody's bodies twitched. yes, you are definitely slacking off. they are all sweating a lot so I am sure of it.

"hmm, what is that reaction so you are slacking–"

"no, no, no, we are not"

Solomon said in an afraid manner while he was sweating a lot and as he said that the others were nodding. they are afraid of him. but for what, he looks like a kind old man to me.

"then wanna check it—"

"anyway, we are here to ask you to train this kid. our new friend who we just reincarnated him into a demon from human"

as if to divert the topic, Solomon said that and introduced my new master to me.

"katsu, this is our teacher. his name is katsuro kami. from today onwards he is your new master."

"I am katsu legami. please take care of me from now on master."

"ho ho ho, you have such a nice attitude unlike some spoiled brats 80 years ago."

when he said that while glancing towards the demon kings they all are looking away with their faces in bright red color.


"I brought him here to greet you, and ask you to train him"

Solomon said with slightly red cheeks after coughing as if nothing happened back there.

"Hey, I have been wondering can he really teach me? I mean, you just said that I have a power that is so strong"

when I asked that, Solomon replied with a pretty confident smile that almost looked like overconfidence to me.

"don't worry even though he may not look like much. he is currently the strongest in entire hell and also the teacher of the strongest demon king generation themselves"



whoa, strongest demon king generation. I have heard about them pretty much. so if he taught them then he can keep up with the red dragon.

"ho ho ho, it sure is good to hear praise or two from your former students once in a while. but… what do you mean by 'he may not look like much 'huh? one a check it out yourself whether I am much or not?"


he said that with a smile but he is clearly releasing a huge amount of pressure. everybody froze and was shivering and Solomon was screaming due to fear.

then he reduced his pressure and looked towards me as he said

"but I am more interested in the power that this kid is talking about. is it really that great of a power. what is it?"

when he asked that Solomon who was crying straightened his posture and said with a serious expression

"not here sensei. we will hold a meeting together with the elders and tell everything over there."

"got it but before that—"

when Solomon said that my new master agreed to it but he kept looking towards me with a smile. when I looked towards the demon kings they and their servants were holding their foreheads and were sighing with complicated expressions on their faces. somehow I am getting a bad feeling about this.