the demon kings and katsuro went to the meeting after leaving katsu to victoria and sakura. the two servants took him to a luxurious room and placed him on a bed. sakura started to heal him with a green light aura. as the aura was concentrating on katsu his injuries started to heal as he was still unconscious
in the meantime, katsu started to see his dream. he was in a black empty space where he met the red dragon clad in its red aura.
he was looking all over the place. because there should be a figure that was missing. and as he was searching in all directions
a bright red pillar of light started to glow that extended to the endless ends of the black empty space. the light blinded katsu and as the red pillar light diminished and size reduced, it changed its shape into a small red aura and inside the red aura, there is a dragon silhouette in it. as soon as the light reduced katsu looked towards the red dragon.
"Where am I?"
I opened my eyes and all I can see is complete darkness in front of me. it is so dark that I cannot even see my own hands. it felt like I am floating. wait
"if it means I am floating then I know this place. I have been here before. then where is he?"
I was here before. the time when I met the red dragon, Abeloth. but where is he now?
I looked around and all I see is complete darkness and come to think of it the fight is also not happening and this is different from before. why?
I was confused and started to look in all directions and then suddenly a huge light pillar shone in front of me and the light was so bright that my entire body and a surrounding area were also illuminated by that light and it also blinded me. but as the light started diminished I opened my eyes I saw who I was looking for
{hey kid}
the one who appeared infront of me is Abeloth the red dragon that is covered in bright red light with its silhouette in that bright red aura.
as I have seen him and called out his name but he did not respond and continued to talk
{i never thought that you would use my power that fast. you just drew out my power and multiplied your physical abilities}
what is he talking about? what power?
{but you should learn how to control it kid. you lost your control to the power and your brain as well}
I cannot follow him. is he talking about me or is he out of his mind?
{you even tried to kill your master over there. well, not that you can but if it were anyone other than him then it would've been a disaster.}
I was confused. I could not talk anything
{but the word bully triggered that much power. you must have quite a frustration from your school incident huh}
I have not talked anything but this silence is for a different reason compared to before silences. I did not want to talk about it. wait, I remember that I fought with the master but my memory is all fuzzy. he hit me on my chin at last of the fight and then—
—"you ….. get bullied….. not strong"
—"Leave it to me"
suddenly these words came into my mind. but they were all fuzzy and not complete sentences. as I was thinking that Abeloth said to me
{seems like you don't remember well. then let me share my memories.}
when I was pondering over what happened. Abeloth seemed to have identified my thoughts through my problematic expression and said that.
as soon as he said that Abeloth raised his hand and as soon as he raised his hand a red color aura gathered on my forehead and the same amount of aura was gathered on the forehead of Abeloth silhouette and as soon as the right amount of aura is gathered the aura has turned into a magical circle and bright light is connected between our circle's centers as if it was connected by a rope. after the connection took place suddenly—
—"why go this far for just a sparring match yet you know you will lose?"
—"I….. don't wanna…. get bullied….. again. I will… choose death….over that…. kind of…. life…"
—"that is the reason I am here. to make sure that you get stronger and won't be harassed. so rest easy and heal first. we will start you the training by morning."
—"please…take care… of me"
I could not believe what I have just seen. I just tried to kill him.
I started to scream out of guilt and Abeloth was dumbfounded by that
"I tried to kill a person and on top of that he is my master."
{sigh~, feeling bad about that won't bring back anything. so from now on, learn how to control the power you have now}
I was feeling pained when I thought that I tried to kill someone. but this guy is saying that as if it is natural. damnit...
"shut up. what do you know about me?.you are a monster who killed many innocent people. you can think that it is no big deal but it is big deal for me"
I shouted that to Abeloth out of my frustration
he kinda looked down. did I go too far
"s-sorry I shouldn't have said that?"
as soon as I said that he looked bright again and asked
{so will you learn how to control my power?}
this bastard. is he trying to trick me?.
"What is the use of me controlling you. I mean isn't that you basically become my slave?.what do you gain from that?"
{i was rotting in this form while changing host to host but nobody uses my power. so let us just say it is entertainment. and..... nevermind}
I see, he was bored of just changing host to host. since I am the only one who can use his power. he must be excited and what was he about to say at the end. anyway I need to make something clear to him
I talked while looking towards my palm
"Sorry, I am not planning on doing something like that. I don't wanna hurt anybody"
{is that so}
"yes, that is the reason why I was silent even when I was bullied and harassed openly even though I was frustrated."
as I said that he was silent for a while and spoke
{..... you know, you left the frustration like that. it kept building and now your frustration became hatred}
when he said that I raised my head and looked towards him.
as I saw towards him he continued
{when you build up even more of that frustration you will only end up dying with regret. the regret which used to be your very own frustation}
I don't know why but I think that he is one of the few people that understood my pain. more like he understood it more than anyone
{what did you say? "what do you know about me?" was it?}
I did not say anything he continued
{we both are practically living in the same body. so whatever you experience, I experience that as well. listen to me kid. the days that everybody thinks of karma to their wrongdoings are over}
when I was looking at him he continued
{you yourself must be the karma of their wrongdoings that was done to you.}
{i am talking about monoma}
when he said that name I suddenly remembered that bastard's face. oh no, I am getting angry. suppress it.
{don't suppress it, kid. just let it flow. you should just let your hatred flow.}
{yes, do not hold it. just let it out}
when I was suppressing it Abeloth said to me and then he continued
{hatred is also one of the power sources. but it is most likely a way to lose control over yourself. so you need to release out your hatred but instead of suppressing it. learn how to control it or you might kill anybody}
I see. so I need to control my hatred so that I may not kill anybody huh. but you are the one who said that I need to kill.
{when did I ever tell you to kill him?}
how did he know what I was thinking?
"wait, how did you–"
{didnt I tell you that you and I are the same body. now back to the topic, I didn't tell you to kill anybody did I? killing takes a large toll on your mind and heart. so don't ever think about doing it carelessly. if you kill anybody there has to be a proper reason. regarding Monoma, what he did is not a reason enough to kill with the power you wield. you can just break an arm or leg or threaten him.}
"I see"
{so, for that, you need to control your hatred for using my power.}
"wait. how are those two connected?"
when I asked that he replied
{listen, kid, the power you gonna wield is connected through your emotions. so you need to control your emotions in order to control my power. so the best possible way right now is to use your hatred since it has already built up too much. if you don't use that then it is going to accumulate even more.}
"then, I will just find another way for that—"
{it already is so much that just the word bully has triggered my power and increased your power to 5 folds.}
"5 folds?"
{my power is to multiply the host's physical abilities to the amount of magic power they release and the limit that their body can hold.}
"I see…. then what will happen if I don't use hatred. like if one day if I lose all this hatred then I cannot activate your power can I?"
{using hatred is just a way to remove that from your heart. once you use my power you'll get used to the feeling. then you can use it whenever you want.}
"..... but even then I don't wanna use your power because if I use too much and can't control it it will only cause even more chaos"
when I said that Abeloth sighed heavily and said
{sigh~ like I said, get used to the feeling of the power. if you think you are going to lose control by using too much of my power then use just a little bit and get used to it eventually. and even if you go out of control then your new teacher would stop you}
"my master?"
{yes, that person is not any ordinary person. he can stop you}
"even though…."
even then I hesitated. then he continued
{have you forgotten that favor the demon kings asked of you?}
then I opened my eyes wide in shock and what I remembered was
—"I request you... no, I beg of you to save the underworld, and also as the successor of the ancestor demon kings I also beg you to save the heaven."
—"if we were to die and our land is about to be taken into the hands of the celestial creatures as well. then please fight and save the people and this island."
the lines Solomon said to me. as I was remembering these Abeloth continued
{the crisis the mythological is going through right now is not any ordinary one. the only ones that can save this mythological world right now are we the heavenly dragons, the guardians and the strongest demon king and the creator himself.... you already know that don't you?, that you are the only person that can save this world is you}
"....yeah, but–"
{are you going to abandon the trust they put in you?. at this rate, the only thing that awaits at the end of this road for them is death}
death? Do you mean they will die?
—" it is our turn to help someone who is feeling the same pain."
—"""will you be our friend?"""
I suddenly remembered the words they told me. my new friends they are going to …..die?
"no!!!!, I cannot let them die!!!! I won't let them die!!!."
{then learn how to use my power}
"o-okay, I will learn but only a little at least until I get used to it."
{good. but remember you may be afraid of this power but–}
as he was saying that in his silhouette he lifted his hand and gripped it and continued
{when your friends and important people are facing problems. you must step forward to help them even if you are afraid or weak. because dying is less painful than living life with loneliness and regrets… know that don't you?}
"..... yeah"
I nodded and agreed with him. it is actually the truth. because I face it in my life before. I remember all the lonely days before Tsubasa and Miyamoto came into my life.
as I was thinking that
I suddenly got a severe headache and held my head in pain
{hey!!! whats wrong!!!!?}
when I was holding my head Abeloth was worried and asked me and as soon as he asked me
the fight that usually happens had started far away from us. Abeloth who saw that said to me
{alright, we don't have much time. let me complete what I want to say and leave this place}
"why is that?"
my headache faded away as soon as their fight started and I asked Abeloth about that and he replied
{because at the end of the there is a huge magical eave blast that swallows this entire place. just taking that even in your dreams means death in the real life.}
"wait, then you survived it last time when it happened at the end of that fight. then why can't I?"
when I asked him that he replied
{are you out of your mind?}
{i am a soul existence even if I take that I will only fade and return back.}
"I see, but what is that anyway?"
I asked him while looking in that direction
{i don't know, I got a hunch. but I am not sure}
{all I know is that this fight always takes place after a certain amount of time after you sleep. although that time gap has increased this time around}
"why is that?"
{i don't know, anyway, we don't have time for that now}
he was panicking. and he turned towards me and said to me while gathering a red aura in his hand
{since we don't have much time I will just give a gist of it}
"about what?"
{my power}
as he said that he released the aura in his hand and it started to form as a barrier and all of a sudden the sounds that were coming reduced. Abeloth who set up the barrier said while looking in that direction
{damn even though I have put my strongest barrier I can still feel the pressure from them and even the sounds.}
as he said that he looked towards me again and started to talk
{alright, as I told you before my power is multiplication. it can multiply any physical prowess and magical prowess to its utmost limit. you have the creator rank of the power so that means you can multiply anything to any amount based on the limit of your body.}
I nodded to him as I was listening to him, he continued
{my power is limited until master rank, but it is unlimited when it reaches creator rank}
"um, what are these ranks?"
{dont worry about those. your new teacher will explain those, right now we are running out of time}
{onto the next part, my power is dangerous when it goes way past the limit of the host. so don't go going way more than your limit and get used to it slowly. if you use more than you can handle then you'll die. so be careful. that is the gist of it. i am not going to explain anything more. you will learn by yourself as you move forward}
as soon as he completed he took off the barrier and the fight also neared its end since the two of them are facing each other and are talking something
{alright kid remember. go through the basics first. your master will take care of it and make sure you control my power. got it?}
"yes I get it"
there was a huge shine from one of the two fighters. as the shine started Abeloth used his magic and pushed me faraway with a huge force as the bright light swallowed him.
slowly the bright light came towards me and almost reached me to the point where I can see nothing but that light and soon the light started to get dim and became small and narrow and disappeared completely and was replaced by a roof same as before.
I was in a luxurious room and was lying on a comfortable bed and there were two women beside me. one is of silver hair and the other is of pink hair. I know one of them. it is miss victoria and the other one is I don't know maybe Solomon's one of the other servants
as I was thinking that, victoria asked me
"Are your injuries okay?"
"y-yes, they ache a bit, but I think I will be okay after a bit"
I thought for a bit, then I suddenly remembered something and asked victoria
"say, my training starts in the morning right?"
when I asked her she replied to me while bowing politely
"then, before morning, there is still time right?"
"t-then I have one more work to do. so will you help me?"
when I asked, miss victoria tilted her head curiously with a serious face.