"Alright, you guys stay here and wait for me. I will right back"

it is almost 3'o clock in the morning. I came for one thing that I needed to do. the location that I came to is the surface. to be more precise my house.

the reason I came here is because I will be going out of home for more than 1 month to my grandma's home in the countryside. at least that was the plan at that time but now I am a demon. now I am going to train under master but, I don't know maybe I cannot even come back to my home since I am a demon so I came back to see my family for one last time and pick up my things and leave a letter to them.

I think I can manage the visit of my grandma since my parents and grandma do not have any telephone communication. they can send letters to each other though maybe I will do something about that as well. but first, I need to do other things.


I quietly opened my main door and sneaked into the house. strange I feel like a thief breaking into the house. I entered the living room and in there, there is a couch where sora is sleeping like a hibernating bug by lying down on his side and crouching so that his knees reach his face. this is this kid's sleeping habit. not that I am complaining though. this sleeping pose is also part of his charm.

this kid can either sleep when people hold him in their hands or in a couch or any congested place. I ignored him and went straight to my room which is upstairs and took a bag and made arrangements to make it look like I went to grandma's place without even telling my parents. I took some clothes, some books, and some video games, and some other casual things that I would always take on a trip so that my mom and dad won't doubt anything.

I left a letter so that my parents won't be worried. although I wrote the letter i don't know whether I am going to return or not. I am practically going to hell but I wrote in the letter that I am going to grandma.

I left the letter on my pillow and left a box on it and wrote "to mom, dad and sora" and left the room. before I walked out of the room I just looked back one last time towards my room. I remembered all the fun days I spent in this room with my brother and parents. I never thought that I would move out of the house just to get away from the feeling of pain in my heart.

I don't even will I be back or not. maybe I will stay in hell forever since I am a demon now.


I was suddenly remembering all the stuff that happened back at school. I am so angry that just from remembering it I gripped my fist tight. as I was frustrated by remembering the grin of that bastard Monoma i suddenly—

—{you need to control your hatred}

remembered Abeloth's words. as soon as I remembered those words. I loosened my grip and shake off my head and cooled down my anger.

I turned back to face the way to the steps from my room and went downstairs and went towards my parents' room and opened their door quietly and looked at their faces. they were sleeping peacefully

"I am sorry mom, dad for all of this. I was the reason that people will talk bad about you"

the news I was framed on, harassing a girl is way enough for my parents to be criticized. Rumors spread faster than light. once it reaches anyone then it will be all over unless you clear it. I cannot clear it and my parents will be facing problems because of me. as I looked towards my parents for one last time and apologized to them I closed the door and went towards the couch where sora was sleeping soundly. I kept staring at his sleeping face because I might not be able to see his face ever again so I took my own time until I had my fill.

come to think of it this is the first time I am ever going to be this far away from sora for so long. I might never see him again. so I will burn his cute face into my brain forever.

after watching sora's cute sleeping face. I went outside of the house silently and before leaving the house I looked back once more to my house that I am going to miss dearly and after I saw the house to my fill for the last time I turned back and walked out of my house. in front of my house, there are two people standing over there. they are victoria and Yamada from the lucifer servants

a few moments back

—"say, there is still time before the morning right? I have one more work to do. so will you please help me"

—" What is that work?"

victoria asks me with a curious face and I replied

—"I wanna go to my house. my parents will be worried if I am suddenly gone by the next morning wake up"

when I said that victoria asks me with a serious face

—"so you are planning on staying until morning over there?"

when I heard her I replied

—"no, I am gonna get my clothes and other stuff and leave a letter since I might not even go back. so I will see them for one last time"

when I said that victoria opened her eyes wide open and said with a smile on her face

—"Okay, i will bring Yamada and take you over there"

as she said that she went and notified Yamada and brought him and we all went to the surface with a teleportation circle

and so that is how I ended up coming here. I went towards those two who were standing over there and before reaching to them I looked back one last time towards home

"goodbye. for now. maybe I will see you later. if I can"

I wish I could see Miyamoto and Tsubasa as well but I cannot do it. if only could see them as well.


hm? areh? what are my tears coming out? why am I crying? I see. maybe because I am gonna miss those both. I will really miss those both


I was crying without even knowing

—""hey, will you be our friend ?""

I suddenly started seeing my past with them. I cannot stop crying. I even started to remember the words that bastard told me. I am so frustrated. I cannot show them my face anymore. that is the main reason that I keep crying. they may trust that I did not do anything. but now they may also be suspected.

I may have hesitated at first to get away from that place but now I am not hesitating even a little and started to move to the place where both of those are waiting since I have remembered about my school. I reached both of them with the tears still dropping from my eyes

as soon as they both saw me, they were a little taken aback after seeing my tear face but I did not care about that and talked to them with a brave front and said

"Let's go"

as soon as victoria and Yamada heard my answer they smiled and said

"very well"


then as they said that victoria extended her hand a magic circle appeared below our legs and then a golden light started to appear from the edges of the circle

the golden light slowly covered the view of my house which I was able to see. as I was seeing the view being covered by the golden light with tears in my eyes falling through the cheeks Yamada places his hand on my shoulder and says with a smile on his face

"this place always remains in your heart. as long as you can live you can come here any time you want. sop focus what is in front of you at the moment"

I looked into his eyes, they were not the eyes of pity or to console me. they are the eyes of confidence.

as soon as saw that I cleared my tears with my arm and smiled back and said

"yes, you are right"

then the view infront of me had changed to a forest. the place where I sparred with my master.

infront of me, there was a person sitting on a rock with white blindfolded cloth and looking over a bird's nest while holding a tree leaf. there was his stick leaned to the rock he was sitting and besides are wooden-shaped swords used for practice. it was my master. katsuro. as soon as he sensed us he looked towards us and said with a smile

"you are right on the time unlike my old students"

as I heard those words I looked towards my master as the sun started to rise and in that sunlight master katsuro extended his hand to me after leaving the leaf in the air. as I saw his figure that was almost blinded by the sunlight I thought to myself

(right, I need to focus on what I have infront of me right now. my goal is to get stronger so that I won't be harassed in hell. I need to learn how to control Abeloth's power)

as I was thinking that he said to me

"my new student, katsu legami. shall we start your training?"


and like that my training has started


later that morning on the surface in the legami residence


the one who called his mother with a cute voice was sora. the little brother of katsu.

"what's up sora? have you woken up your brother?"

"no, he is not answering me when I call him. he is not opening the door"

"really? I wonder why let us go and check out what happened"

as she says that she takes sora into her hands and goes towards the stairs from the kitchen and notices her husband in the way and askes him

"hm? dear, you worried about katsu as well?"

"well, he has gone through so much yesterday so I thought he may be feeling down. so I thought I need to cheer him up"

"yeah me too"

as she replied while holding sora in her hands all three of them went upstairs

"katsu, are you in there"


they knocked on the door but there was no answer. since there was no answer they looked at each other and nodded, and opened the door while saying

"katsu we are coming in"

they looked into the room after opening the door but there didn't see katsu and looked all over the room and noticed his books and games and some clothes were missing. as they were all worried


sora calls out to his mother and shows something on the pillow and they looked where sora was pointing out and notice there was a letter with a wooden box placed on it written as "to mom, dad and sora"

they were more worried after seeing that and his mother opened the letter and read it along with her husband. the contents were

—dear mom, dad, and sora

if you are reading this then you must've found out that I was not in my room. I could not feel any good living here. I cannot face you guys after I was framed for harassing a girl. so I am leaving for the countryside before you can know it. so please don't be worried and also don't contact grandma. I wanna forget everything that happened yesterday and you contacting her will only worsen my situation and don't be worried even I don't come back

your's lovingly




both of them were silent and looked worried when they completed reading the letter

"what does it say? what does it say? mama? papa?"

when they were both heard sora they suddenly realized that they both were spacing out and snapped out of it.


when he asked the question his mother and father looked towards him with a worried look and answered

"yeah, don't worry. big brother went to grandma's home. so he can't be coming back for a while"


sora asked while looking upwards in her direction and asked she looked down towards him who is in her hands with a smile as if to cover the worry and answers

"he just needed to sort out some things. so don't worry he will come back and play with you. okay, sweetie?"

seeing that sora replied while smiling happily


after replying like that he looked towards the wooden box and started to play while his father asked

"you think he will be alright?"

his mother replied to that question with a confident smile as if there was no trace of the worry from before

"don't worry he is our son after all. who knows him more than us? he will be alright"

they both know that they are worrying but they just thought positively and left to downstairs while smiling


on the surface in the bell high school where katsu went.

everybody walks through the main gate but there was a particular group that came pretty late where nobody is present except for the group. everyone was in their classes.

the incident that happened that before the day has become a hot topic and everybody felt safe since katsu was suspended. they all misunderstood him. as the situation was like that one of the members of the 5 member group says—

"hahaha. with this, that guy would never come back to this school"

the one who says that while laughing loudly is Monoma.

"yeah, that is for sure hehe"

they were a group of five people along with Monoma. they were the group who framed katsu together as they were all talking like that one of them asked Monoma

"say why do you hate that guy so much?"

"Yeah I heard that you both used to be on good terms"

when Monoma heard that he said


as he was saying that he suddenly remembered

—"I am sorry I cannot return your feelings because I have feelings for katsu"

he remembered these words said by a girl

as soon as he remembered those he continued to his previous sentence with a serious expression

"Everybody in this world can change. all they need is a trigger for that and the trigger for my change is that guy himself"

"what do you mean by that?"

when he asked that Monoma said

"to put it simply, he is the one that brought it on himself"

as he was saying that one of the five people replied while laughing

"but so lame, we just framed him and he got suspended so bad for one month. hahaha"

"Hey, don't say that out loud like that, someone might hear it"

as he was saying like that while laughing one of the others was panicking as the one laughing replied with a carefree manner.

"don't worry we are late and nobody is here. everybody is in their class and the president is not here either."

"even though–"

as those both were talking like that Monoma intervened in their conversation and said

"it is still too early to celebrate. because there more coming towards him"


"yes, the suspension is for one month, and if he comes back even after all that. I am going to make him suffer even more."

"you sure are cruel"

"the one I gave him yesterday was just payback for making him look bad infront of the president and others. so, it is not over yet"

"what are you planning this time?"

when one of his companions ask that he replied with an evil smile

"this time I will keep a vibrator in each of the girls' bags and place some package boxes of those vibrators in katsu's bag. The last time was a close call. everybody just believed what we just said but, if they watched everything closely we would've been got caught. so this time we are making sure not to repeat the same mistake. with this new plan, he will move out of the city"

as he said that while he was smiling disgustingly and seeing his smile everybody smiled as well.


in the bell high school inside the student council room


there was a conversation going on between the student council president and vice president. the one who talked while hitting the table with a serious expression is the president

"what do you mean by that? why haven't you contacted me?"

"but president, you told me that you were going to visit your home in a few days and were busy on that work. so you told me to manage it and if I were to contact you at that time I thought I was going to disturb you"

when she said that the cool and serious president has a guilty expression as she said

"but to frame an innocent….. it is a failure on our part of the student council"

when she said that the vice president started to talk with a confused expression and a loud voice

"president how can you say that he is innocent? he might have done that. why are always favoring his side? I don't have anything to do with him but he is hated by everybody in the school. so why are you favoring him, unlike others?"

when she said that president looked down towards the table and replied

"the boy. he would never do something like that."

"How can you say that?"

"because a person who has gone through a huge amount of pain due to loneliness would never make the enemy of the school and tries go back to the same painful loneliness."


"regarding that hatred towards him. there are so many eyewitnesses that Monoma is spreading false rumors regarding him using his popularity and as for me favoring him—"

when she said that she suddenly stopped for a while

—"I will be moving away from Japan. but one day I will definitely come back, so until then please make sure to keep an eye on katsu. he will get lonely since I am also moving out. but don't you dare mingle with him while I am away"

she remembered these words and suddenly fell silent


as soon as the vice president called to her she then regained her composure and continued from before

"he is like a brother to me and also he was entrusted to me by a girl who liked him. that is the reason why I am favorable to him"

"There is even a girl who liked him!!?"

after hearing that the vice president exclaimed as the president continued

"yes, she was a friend to him when he was a child. When she was about to leave she thought that he would feel lonely so she entrusted him to me…. although I could not live up to her expectation"

as she said that the president made an apologetic face while sitting down and reflecting her uselessness

"president, do not feel bad. we will investigate it thoroughly. we will definitely prove his innocence"

"What good will an investigation do? we don't have enough evidence. at least we need a video proof that he didn't do it"

as they were all confused on what to do—


there was a knock on the door and after hearing that

"looks like the second years have returned"

as the president said that the vice president turned towards the door and replied

"come in"

when she said that the door opened and a girl who was not expected by them walked in—

"excuse me"

while saying that walked in seeing her the vice president—

"you are…"

she opened her eyes wide while the president looked at the vice president with a curious face since she said recognized her


on the surface. On the very same day after an unexpected visit and learning something from the unexpected visitor, they went to katsu's home.

they went and greeted his parents and his brother. at first after knowing about the position of the president and got angry but was calmed down by her husband and they went to the living room and talked sitting face to face.

katsu mother placed a tea in front of them and held her son sora in her hands and sat him on her lap while her husband sat beside her as soon as they all settle down the first thing the both of them did was

""we are really sorry for what happened with katsu""

they both bowed down and humbly apologize while sitting on the couch opposite to the couple.

"Please raise your head. there is no reason to apologize now."

his father said that with a cool voice but dissatisfied voice and for his mother---

"my son's heart is broken because of what you did"

she was furious

when they heard that they both felt guilty and after a moment of silence president started saying

".... we know that you are upset but we have a proper explanation for that please listen to it."

even though they were angry they both listened to her about what happened and she explained everything.

after listening to what happened the couple who were angry until then softened their expression but were pretty serious about what happened actually. as soon as the explanation was over katsu's mother talked breaking the silence that was present after the explanation

"I see, so he was framed huh…."

his mother was seriously frustrated after seeing that the vice president replies

"yes, we should've been more careful we are really sorry"

as soon she heard that is mother asked the president

"so what are you planning on doing now?"

"we would like to prove his innocence by collecting evidence. so could you please send him to school"

as the president answered that his mother replied

"he is not here"

"then where is he?"

"he went to his grandma's home in the countryside to cool off his head. so he won't be coming back for a month"

as soon as she that with a sad face the student council president replied with a smile on her face

"yes, that would be good as well. I am visiting my home this month. so, I won't be back until a month as well in the mean this girl here will collect the evidence and make sure that his bad name is cleared. so please do not worry about that."

as soon as she heard that his mother smiled back and answered.

"thank you so much. sorry that I got angry at you before"

"no, please. this was our fault, to begin with"

as the president said that both the president and vice president stood up from the couch and bowed once again and said in unison

""again, we are really sorry for all the trouble that we caused your family.""

"yes please raise your head."

as his father said that both of them raised their head and sat down. as she sat down sora climbed down from his mother's lap and went towards the president and asked

"say big sis"

as soon as she was called by him her face was blushed by his cuteness and she replied in a flustered manner


the vice president who was sitting beside her was also blushing as sora replied


he cutely bowed his head and replied and raised it back with a huge dazzling smile and came towards her.

seeing that both girls' maternity instincts raised to the high level that even the cool president who is always strict blushes with her face completely deep red in color along with the vice president beside her. they both looked as if their heads were on steam and even his parents were on slight blush after seeing his cute smile.

the entire heavy atmosphere was gone as if it had never existed due to sora and after saying thankyou sora returned to his mother's lap. they all talked a little while. after some time

"thank you for the tea"

the president said that while bowing and his mother replied

"come back when you have time"

as both the parties were saying goodbyes the president looked towards sora and said her farewell bye

"bye-bye sora"

as soon as he saw that sora who in his mother's hands said with a dazzling smile


the president and vice president left the house with blushing red faces after seeing sora's dazzling smile