I am in the forest where I dueled with my master and right now I am—


half dead while trying hard to breathe because I have been running for an hour without slowing down and my speed is—

—"you are going to start running with the speed of a bullet train"

that is what my master said while we started to train. I am completely exhausted. master runs along with me and right behind me. if I slow down even a little bit he hits with the wooden stick on my lower back and it pains like hell. as I was running like that while trying hard to breathe I asked my master who is running behind me

"hah….. master…..I thought….. we were training"

"what are you talking about, we are training now arent we?"

"master this is not training…. it is torturing"

"shut up and run, if you have the energy to talk then just run"

he said that with a strong base tone and high pressure. so I ran silently

after a total run of 3 hours at the speed of the bullet train which is practically 500 kilometers per hour. since I am a devil right now this speed is not killing me or else I would be dead even with the 10th part of this speed. I fell on my back to the ground. My legs are in pain, my heart is pumping so loud that I can even hear it and my lungs are in pain with every breath I take in. as I was in this much pain my master comes near me while I am lying down and looks down on me and says

"you should not be like that since this is the general workout for you for 10 days straight from now"

"10 days!!!!....wait, then I am done after that!!!?"

as I was lying down I asked as if it were good news among the bad news then he broke my last hope by saying

"After that, you will be training in swordsmanship with me for 1 hour and the next 1 hour for hand to hand combat"

"what hey I thought that you would only teach me how to control Abeloth's power and why do I need swordsmanship training. I am more of a hand to hand combat user"

as I said that master replied to me

"when fighting using only one method of fighting is not efficient especially when fighting the celestial creatures so you have to train all the other weapons as well which will be after 10 days and then in real combat you can use whichever you excel in"

"oh, I see now"

as I was saying that he continued

"and regarding the red dragon power you will learn how to control it after those two training and the amount of time you spend for that is 3 hours"

"3 hours huh. which is almost the amount of basic training "

"3 hours is actually pretty less. you might think that my purpose is to make you train on how to use the red dragon power. but that is not it."


I agree with him because I felt the power of the red dragon on the first hand so I was silent while he continued

"my purpose is to make you strong. you are not used to your enhanced physical capabilities at the moment. so my primary objective is to make you get used to it in these 10 days"

oh~ now I get it why I am running like this

"Ohh that is why you are making me run to my limit huh… wait if this speed is to make me get used to it then what is going to be after 10 days"

just as he said the first 10 days is this routine then if this is just the start of it then what is it going to be after 10 days. when I asked him while practically freaking out he said to me

"after the 10 days you will be trained with the thought of exceeding your maximum limit. so until then just get used to it"

"ughhh damn it"

so my fear was right. I am gonna go through a living hell in the future. as I was feeling depressed and afraid for the future that was yet to come my master continued without even considering my feeling. what a monster

"after the training of red dragon power you will learn about underworld and power rankings."

"then what about all the other time!!?"

"what do you mean?"

"you know like food or sleeping"

when I said that master looked at me with a confused expression and replied with a dubious answer as if it were the most natural thing to do

"ah, about that you will be living in this forest along with me by camping in the sorest and you will come with me to the town near the border after all the other training so that you can see how the underworld works"

"c-camping!!? I expected the training to be harsh but this is way too harsh…. good thing that I at least I will get to take breaks"

as I was saying that with a painful expression while trying my best to control my tears master spoke without even concern

"alright. now that the schedule explanation is over let us get to the next part of training. standup, it is time for sword training"

"wait!!! don't I at least get a break after that much running!!?"

"not now. you're only allowed to take breaks in the afternoon and evening"

definitely living hell damn it

"master please don't tell me that I have to do like this every day"



I was relieved at least half though but what am I forgetting

"as I said before you will get even more harsh training from tomorrow and after 10 days even harsher"

now I remember what I forgot. he said just now regarding my training getting harsher after 10 days but in all the outrageous things I heard until now from master I forgot those

"m-m-master you are kidding right!!!?"


"my body will break!!!!"

when I said that master replied with a dazzling smile

"no don't worry your body will be just fine and if you do this every day your body will get even stronger"

"no waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy"

I cannot hold it anymore. the tears that I held until now have started to flow. as I was crying master told me

"you said that the red dragon had talked to you right?"


"then that itself shows your capability. you will survive this training"

"this and that are two different things!!!"

when I said that master replied with a serious expression



"the red dragon does not talk to anybody. it only talks to its host when it acknowledges them as a strong being which is capable of being its master"


"Yeah, after all, it is one of the three heavenly dragons that fought the strongest demon king the history. maria leviathan"

"maria leviathan. so that is the name of the strongest demon king huh"


when I asked that he replied to me. after hearing that I asked him

"master from the time I came to hell. I heard a lot about the strongest demon king from Solomon and others. is she really that big of a deal"

when I asked that master who looked towards me and said until now suddenly started to look towards the sky as if he was remembering something and said to me

"that girl is very strong. one day she trespassed heaven and fought the god in a head to head battle and injured him severely and came back with injuries but alive"

"wait what!!!? a demon injured the god in a head-to-head battle. is it really possible?"

I was stunned after hearing that. my master who saw me looked as if my reaction was a natural one and continued while smiling

"not only her, but her entire generation demon kings are also monstrously strong enough to fight the god head-on. but nobody can survive the battle they might injure the god but it is doubtful whether they will be back alive. except for maria that is"


I was unable to talk after hearing that as he continued

"she is the only student of mine that survived this harsh training that lasted for 5 years. so you can also survive it don't be so down"

"you can't compare me to the strongest demon king damnit"

what is he thinking comparing me to the strongest demon king? as I was retaliating while crying to what he said

"if that generation demon kings were here, they would've just destroyed the celestial creatures"

then master replied to me with a serious expression. I stopped crying and looked towards him as he continued

"the present generation demon kings have put their trust in you that you will defeat the celestial creatures which means they put the same amount of trust they put in the strongest demon king generation if they were here"


"The training you did just now would make you strong enough to go and defeat an intermediate celestial but you need to train more if you wanna defeat even further strongest celestials"

".... even though you say that…."

I was hesitating even then. I was surprised that the trust they put in me is equal to the trust they put in the strongest demon king generation. as I was hesitating master continued while looking at me

"do you know what the demon kings did to bring you back to life?"

"Uhm… some kind of a….magic?"

when I said that master replied to me

"There is no magic in this world that can bring someone back to life. if there was there would not be this kind of chaos in the underworld right now"

"then how did they—"

when I was about to ask master he raised his two fingers and said

"There are only two ways to bring back someone to life. one is either a zodiac guardian or an earth guardian or the creator. they can only bring someone back to life and the other is to use a special stone known as a miracle sphere to bring someone back to life"

"then what did they use?"

"They chose the latter method. the miracle stone. a rare item that can only be created by the zodiac guardian of light once in every 5 million years by compressing an immense magic power"

"no way they used something that precious?"

"yes, it is given to each part of the land every once in 5 million years including the heaven and hell, and the land that received that stone does not receive it once again until all the lands receive it. like a cycle. before the celestials invasion, our land was the last piece to receive and we were hiding it for the past 100 million years as a last trump card against the celestials creatures"

"last trump card? how?"

"if we use this miraculous sphere. we can erect a barrier for a huge amount of time and that is strong enough to keep the celestial creatures out of the island and once the barrier is erected we would use the time to train and wait until the zodiac guardians were all reborn. this was all going to happen at the verge of our defeat but Solomon and others used the miracle sphere without even telling us."


I felt bad for what they did for me. as I was silent master continued

"originally it is a painful execution for anybody who did that for punishment but they were excused because they what they reincarnated is not any normal human being but the host the red dragon. so that is the reason they are still alive now and you are being trained. so are you going to betray their trust and leave them to die?"

when he said that my eyes were wide open due to the shock. I did not know they did that much for me. until now I only remembered the celestial that killed me due to the trauma but now I remembered something else.

— "if we die will you protect this island in our place."

the words they said to me when they brought me back to life. So that was what he meant at that time. they thought that they were going to be executed due to what they have done. that means if I ignore their request now they will be executed. meaning my new friends will die. I am not gonna let that happen. no matter what



as I was thinking that I called out to my master

"let's move onto the next stage of training "

when I said that he smiled as I continued with a determination

"I am not gonna abandon their hope no matter what"

seeing my resolve master replied with a smile


as soon as he said that we continued onto the next stage of training


it is afternoon now. my sword training and hand-to-hand combat training are over. that was pretty much of a hell as well. master did not show any mercy to me and beat me to a pulp. right now I and master are sitting near a campfire and eating meat that is cooked from a wild animal that I don't even know the name of. I was afraid to eat it but my hunger got the best of me and I ate it anyway.

when I was eating it master explained to me different sorts of things while eating his piece of meat.

"say, master?"

I called to master as he was about his piece of meat and as soon as he heard me he looked at me without eating it


"what is the creator rank or master rank that Solomon and others keep talking about?"

as I asked that master took his meat piece away from his mouth and talked

"the demons, gods and some other mythological creatures are said to use some kind of magic. that magic is divided into 4 categories based on their usage capability. first is the user level, second is the top user level, third is the master level and fourth is the creator level."


as I was fascinated by what he said master continued while looking towards the campfire

"let us assume an instrument and wielder. the user level can use the magic as an amateur which puts him on an advantage over a normal being. the top user is like a professional in using that instrument. master is like a prodigy who is born to use the instrument. he can use the magic like it is a part of his body just like we use our hands"

"then what about the creator level"

when I asked that master looked at me from the campfire and said

"the creator level. He is the magic itself. their existence is the reason that the specific magic was created and that people can use it. there exists only one creator rank other than the creator himself"

"then are there any creator ranks?"

"all the zodiac guardians are the creator ranks"

as he said that he brought his meat close to his mouth again just to be stopped by my another question and looked towards me as I asked

"then master which rank are you?"

"my rank is top user"


"wait!!, you… the person that is the strongest in the entire hell is the top user!!!?"

"well, there is a long story behind it so let us not talk about it now"

as he said that he was about to eat his meat

"so master?"

as soon as I called he stopped again like he did previously and looked at me as I asked my question

"which rank am I?"

as I asked that he brought down his meat piece and replied

"all the heavenly dragons are the creator ranks of their own magic. so their hosts are also a creator rank."

"then this magic is different from the magic everybody uses?"

"the mana they use is all the same but the magic they use differs from individual to individual but there are exceptions and the heavenly dragons are one of those exceptions"

"then what about the zodiac ranks?"

"the zodiacs are the direct children that are produced from the creator's body. they said to have the strength that is equal to the 1000th part of the creator's strength and similarly the magic power and ki as well. and they are said to be the strongest beings in the entire mythological world"

"they are said to be strongest with just the 1000th part of the creator's power!!!?"

"that's how strong the creator is, the zodiacs are all almost the same of the power but they do differ a little bit among themselves with the power they wield. to maintain the balance of power in the heaven underworld he divided the zodiac guardians with ranks according to their power and sent all the odd ranks to hell while all the even ranks to hell."


"although, now it is all nothing but crap "


when I asked that master replied

"when a zodiac guardian dies the power, feelings, and memories of that zodiac is inherited into a newborn baby that was of age less than a year or so and also capable of wielding the power. when that happens they are sent to their specific place based on their rank but now since the celestials have invaded and started to kill the zodiac guardians when they were still a newborn baby. they were all sent to various places that the celestials can't reach and make them mature until they were the right age to fight the celestials "

"But why only the newborn babies?"

"because the zodiac guardian means the power that can practically change the entire geography of the planet. so the creator thought that a baby that is more aged than a year might be influenced negatively in the mind and they might misuse the power they wield due to the influence so when the baby is under the age of a year they will be inheriting the zodiac powers and were transported to the place which is most safe and also influence the baby positively in order to make them grow in a peaceful life until they inherit the memories and feeling of their predecessor"

"then how many zodiac guardian ranks exist?"

"There are 12 of them but right now only the 4 of the zodiac guardians are alive and are maturing at the moment."

"4 huh. then the master can humans also use magic?"

I asked him when he was about to eat his meat again and when I asked him he replied

"yes, there are some humans who can use magic through exceptional methods and they are called as 'Specials' in the mythological world"

"then am I a 'special'?"

"no you are 'Unique'."


"The hosts of the creatures are all the creator rank and are on a different scale when compared to the others who can use magic so they are categorised as the uniques"

"unique huh"

as soon as he said that he tried to eat his meat again where he was trying to eat from before

"then master"


"what is it"


he snapped finally. he was trying to eat the meat but was interrupted by me again and asked me with serious pressure which I replied while sweating

"t-t-this is the last question"

"sigh~, ask"

"What is the matter about this 'ki' you said before?"

"oh that"

he took the meat away from his mouth and looked at me and replied

"to use magic you need mana. only mythological creatures can use mana unlike humans and other creatures that live on the surface. but the ki means manipulation of your spirit which is generally used by non-mana creatures like humans"

"and in which way do they use that?"

"the user uses his ki and connects it to the opponent's ki to attack and that will damage the opponent internally. it is very effective against the master rank and creator rank opponents since they cannot be hit by normal attacks due to their magic ability nature"

"eh? magic nature?"

"yes, the master rank and the creator rank are the ranks where their magic is like their own body parts and own body respectively. so they can turn any part of their body into the specific attribute they use and can make themselves capable of evading any normal attack. so in order to take them down, you need to use your spirit to attack their body which possesses spirit as well. it is like connecting spirit with spirit to attack the opponent. which is also known as ki. unlike magic the ki attack cannot be evaded since even the creator rank who is said to be the magic itself might avoid normal attacks by making his body into his specific attribute but even the changed body consists ki. so it cannot be evaded"

"oh~, that sounds interesting. then master, will you teach me—"


"eh? why!!!?"

"it is still too early for you"


"NO BUTS!!!!"


he said that with pressure and started to eat his meat which he was holding back on eating from before. as I saw my master who was eating his meat I thought to myself.

(sigh~ no wonder that Solomon and the other demon kings were afraid of him. i wonder how the strongest demon king survived this person)

as I thought that I started to eat my piece of meat as well.


we ate the food and are taking an afternoon nap by lying on our backs on a grassy field in a sunny light. it is so nice to take an afternoon nap with a full stomach after a huge workout in the morning. and for me, there are still questions that I need to ask the master.


"what is it?"

when I called out to him he replied while still lying down and looking towards the sky and I asked him

"I have another question"

when I said that he sighed and replied

"sigh~ you do ask many questions"

"s-sorry, this is the last one"

"bring it on"

"y-yes, you said that the celestials have invaded 100 million years ago right?"

"Yeah, so what about that?"

"100 million years is a very long time right? then have the demons or gods made any kind of plans to fight them back?"

"I don't know about heaven but the underworld did"

"they did? what is it?"

"the 5 prodigies of hell."

"5 prodigies?"

"yes, approximately a million years ago when the aristocratic government and the demon kings at that generation were thinking about the ways to protect the remaining islands and to fight back the celestials all of them came to a single conclusion."

"What is that?"

"they chose a 10 aristocratic house which are the strongest among all the aristocrats and married their heirs and children to each other. and when their offsprings are born they are stronger than their parents. and like that the offsprings marry each other and the process is repeated and right now in this generation we ended up with the 5 prodigies who are said to be the strongest young ones in the entire history that they are even said to surpass the second strongest demon king generation which is the present generation. some are even expecting them to go into the same league as the strongest demon king generation."

"oh~ are they really that strong?"

"well, they are but they are not strong enough at the moment to bear the burden of reclaiming back the underworld. right now they are strong enough to defeat a high-level celestial and 5 of them together can defeat a leader-level celestial with casualties among them. but a leader is impossible for them individually. the 5 prodigies think that they are already stronger than the leader level and even ignore their training except for one or two of them"


"and this is where you come into the picture "

"eh? me?"

"yes listen carefully this is the part where you need to listen"

"about what?"

"Once you are trained you will become a servant to one of the 5 prodigies."

"Wait, what!!!? why would I?"

I asked master after getting up from the lying down position and the master replied to me while still lying down

"in the aristocratic demons system, the demons are divided into low-class, mid-class, and high-class and they are divided based on their power levels, experience and also their popularity"

"what does that have to do with me becoming their servant?"

when I asked that master looked towards me and replied

"in order to go on expeditions or to fight the celestials while staying in the border one needs to be any one of those ranks. a normal civilian is not given a rank and allowed to fight the celestials unless for self-protection and fight the celestials and go on expeditions. the servants of the aristocrats are the only ones that are given titles."

"so what you are saying is I need to become one of them and obtain a rank in order to go to the expeditions and fight the leader class?"

"in a certain way yes, it is a little complicated but, if you become a servant you will be given a rank after a selection of the new servants which is held every year and after the selection you will be given a rank and based on the achievements you will be promoted."

"then does that mean all the 5 prodigies are high-class demons?"

"yes, not only that they are the next heirs of their respective aristocratic houses as well."


as I was fascinated by that master continued

"anyway, you will find out about that sooner. at that time you may choose what you wanna do but right now you need to train because from tomorrow you will get even more intense training"

"What!!!?, no way!!!"

as soon as I heard that I could not help but complain as I was saying that master replied to me

"Just rest now, you will have to train your red dragon power after ou afternoon nap so hurry up and sleep you will not get any rest until evening"

as soon as I heard about the red dragon I could not help but stop my complaining because I know how much that is important so I replied

"yes master"

As I replied I lied down and slept.


after the nap, we are back to our training mode and right now i am sitting on a flat tree trunk that has been cut, and as I sat on the tree trunk with the meditation sitting position master talked to me.

"Now it is time for you to use your red dragon power"

"master, I am a little worried about this part of my training "

"for what?"

"what if I lose control again?"

"look, it might have been traumatic that one time but that will not happen every time. this time we are just making you use the red dragon power through your feelings so that you can remember how you are activating the power. got it?"


"if you really happen to lose control then I will stop you right away, okay?"



as I replied like that master said that then I asked him

"now for starters how can I bring out the red dragon power?"

as I asked that master replied to me with a confused face

"hm? what do you mean by that? the red dragon power is yours, right? it is like your power just think like you bringing your power out from the depth of your heat"

I did as my master said I did not know how but all of a sudden


a large amount of red aura is gathered around me as a huge wind blown up and so many leaves were in the sky by detaching themselves from their respective branches due to the wind pressure generated through my aura and clothes of the master are swaying in the air due to the wind pressure as he said

"now try to limit the amount of aura released"


easier said than done but I tried my best and thought about suppressing the aura and succeeded in reducing it. as I succeeded the wind pressure was reduced. after looking at that master said

"now for starters concentrate your aura and try to use your sense of touch, ears, nose, and eyes"

as I was doing what he said to me he continued with his explanation

"as you already know the power of the red dragon is to multiply. so with the amount of power you released earlier, it would amount to 5 times which would be referred to as 5 folds and since you reduced it and limited the power it would now amount for 2 folds of your original strength"

as he completed his explanation I completed what he told me

"it is done, master"

"now as you have concentrated. tell me what you see infront of you and what you hear and also what are you smelling"

he was asking me like an eye doctor asking his patient during an eyesight checkup

as soon as I concentrated I noticed and told him everything I noticed like and then I noticed I was able to take note of the things that are way faraway yet I was able to notice those of course I got some mistakes as master checked up but how can he tell those I mean he is blindfolded right?

as soon as I said all those with that the initial part of the training was over. I undid the aura and took a break. I was getting the hang of it but man was it exhausting

as I was taking a break I asked master

"say master you are blindfolded right? then how come you see things?"

"I use ki"

"ki can be used that way as well?"

"yes, all things have ki but only the living beings can manipulate the ki while the non-living things ki can only be stagnated. so I use my ki and sense that ki"


as I was being fascinated about that master changed the topic while saying

"now let us get back to the training actually let's step up a gear"

"eh? what do you mean by that?"

as I was confused master explained to me

"just let us see what is the limit of the power you can hold on at your current level"

"But how?"

"all you need to do is use one feeling that has pushed you to lose control in the last sparring match and if I were to guess it must be hatred. just use it and control the output to see the limit and once we see your limit we will start with the reduced aura and increase the output little by little until you remember how it feels to bring out the power instead of using your hatred."

Wait, is he insane!!!? I cannot do that!!

"master!!! what if I lose control?"

"I will just stop you"


"trust me"


as he said that I could not help but accept. I did not want to do it but I just trusted my master and I followed his command and closed my eyes and remembered all the awful things that happened to me yesterday and tried to control my hatred. I am getting furious. more and more and more and more

I can feel it. my aura is raising simultaneously along with my anger. it raised and raised and raised and raised and raised and all of a sudden



as katsu was raising his anger all of a sudden at a certain point his brain went blank and lost control over his mind while his eyes were still closed. he was subconsciously raising his anger.

when katsu closed his eyes. his expression changed to anger. His face was so furious that anybody would fear him and even might wonder who it was. his aura continuously increased that katsuro was taken aback and has an expression not that of fear but that of shock. as katsu's aura raised continuously it became so powerful that the tree trunk he was sitting on cracked. the stones that were beside the tree trunk were crushed the trees were shaking so vigorously that they are creaking so loud and huge cracks started to appear on the bark of those trees. all the animals were in panic in the forest and went as far as possible from the place where katsu was releasing the aura and a crater was formed where katsu was sitting while the tree trunk cracked even more and continuously cracked until it was blown away into bits. due to the blast of the tree trunk, a dust cloud was raised that was big enough to cover the crater.

as the dust cloud started to settle down right in the middle of the crater there was a silhouette covered in the red aura that was visible even when the dust cloud was covering it. as soon as the dust cloud reduced completely there was katsu who had lost his control standing there. his bright red eyes were literally screaming with blood lust.

as katsuro saw all this with a shocking expression he walked to the edge of the crater without any fear. katsu who lost control after seeing katsuro he moved his mouth a little just to end up as a scream of anger


as he was about to scream that completely his sentence was cut off in the middle as katsuro used a chop with his hand on katsu's neck which made him lose his consciousness and as katsu was about to fall he was caught by katsuro and after holding him he talked out the light after sighing heavily

"sigh~, oh my, oh my, no wonder that Solomon went as far as using the miracle sphere to bring you back. I never imagined that you would be able to control that much power without even proper training. even I was shocked at how much your limit of that power was at."

as he said that he moved katsu from the crater to a flat land near the place and lied him down on the ground.



I woke up from sleep while breathing heavily. in front of me was the master. it was already nighttime. it was dark and the master was cooking animal meat on the campfire and as he saw me he asked while cooking the meat

"oh, you woke up?"

as he asked me I looked towards my surroundings while fearing what might have happened and hoped that nothing of which I am thinking has happened. as soon as I looked at the crater I confirmed that my fears were real.

".... I lost my control again, didn't I? I can just tell by looking at that crater and damage I have done to the forest"

as I asked him while looking down he replied to me while still cooking the meat

"don't worry, I told you didn't I, it will be alright. and as for the forest let me remind you the mana that flows in here is of creator's. so it will just recover its damage and vegetation. anyway, that aside was anything painful in this entire process?"

"no, actually I don't even know when I lost control. it was as if I went into sleep but my body is full of cramps though"

as I said that master who was cooking the meat took out of the fire while explaining to me

"I did calculate your limit when you lost your control though. you can hold onto your control for 70 fold though you unconsciously raise your power. but after 70 fold you will go berserk like what happened today and yesterday but let me remind you that power is nowhere near enough to defeat the celestial creatures"

as he said that I was a little disappointed that means this is due to my weakness. as I was feeling down I asked him mustering my strength

"then that is my limit right"


as I heard that I started to clench my teeth

"for now that is"

"for now?"

as soon as he said that I was confused and asked him as he replied to my question

"Yes, for now. the limits only exist to be surpassed. although it is a little tough I will make you control the red dragon power in this training span of 1 month and you will also increase the no of folds and becomes strong enough to fight the celestials"

as he said that he gave me the piece of meat he cooked I was thankful for it he said he would do for me and I replied

"I am really sorry for the trouble that I caused master. thank you"

as I expressed my gratitude to him he replied while taking another piece of meat

"don't worry about that. I am your teacher and on top of that I promised you did I? that you won't be harassed and looked down upon"

as he said that I remembered his promise from the memories that were passed on to me by Abeloth

—"that is why I am here"

as I remembered that


I was moved by his promise to the point of tears in my eyes. he really was serious about back then all of them were serious about everything until now. it was not that I was doubting until now but I am completely sure after experiencing this. nobody until now other than my family and my two best friends was this considerate about me. damn it

"what you don't want to eat the meat?"

as I was flowing with tears master looked at me and said that

"no, I do want to eat."

as I replied to him. I hogged upon the meat master gave me while clearing my tears even though they did not stop flowing I ate it as I was hungry. master was looking at me with a smile while eating his own piece of meat.

after eating we took a rest for the night and the next day training started before I even knew it.