“hey there sensei, how is the training going?”

the one who came into the forest and approached katsuro and asked like that was Solomon. the strongest demon king of the present generation

“oh, hey there Solomon. good to see you. the training is going well. he caught up to my expectations faster than I thought”

as Solomon called out to katsuro. katsuro replied to Solomon while smiling. as he said that Solomon replied

“Good to hear that. it has been almost 20 days from that day after all. I expected him to make progress but I have not expected that he would make progress that even you would be impressed with. anyway, where is he now?”

when Solomon asked that katsuro pointed towards the deep forest that is in front of him and said

“he is in that forest”

when he said that Solomon became surprised and asked katsuro

“wait, by the forest don't tell me..”

“It is just as you expected, he is on the run from the demonic monkeys”

as soon as he said that Solomon started to scream out of shock

“you gave him that kind of training in just 20 days!!!?”

“no, I started to train him with this method for the past 10 days actually”

“Are you planning on killing him!!!? even we started that method after one year of your basic training, how can you be so reckless!!!?”

“This is the right thing to do. the surface where he lived for the past 17 years. there was no need for him to fight or kill the enemy or there were no enemies that would threaten his life. but in the underworld and especially when you are fighting with the celestial creatures you need to kill and should be prepared to be killed and should also learn how to escape from life-threatening situations and all of that, he should all be learned that by himself. and the best way possible for him is to throw him into a life-threatening situation such as this.”

“But, isn't that reckless!!!?”

as Solomon said that to katsuro, he replied with a gleaming smile

“don't worry, he will be alright and I am here to watch on him.”

“even if you say that—”

as Solomon said that katsuro intervened in his sentence and said

“I told you didn't I? this kid will surpass even maria”

as he said that to Solomon, Solomon sighed as if he has given up and smiled while looking at the forest. seeing that katsuro turned back to the forest and smiled while watching

Solomon who saw that gleaming smile from his sensei he thought to himself while smiling

(even though he is making you train for you to get strong even I can say that he is going way too far now even though you may have potential…. so bear with it and don't die, katsu)

he thought that while looking towards the forest.

in the forest—


“ahh, damn it”


I dodged the attack of a rampaging black monkey. as I dodged that I saw the same black monkeys in all directions in all the trees as they are all screaming

{wu….. wuuuuuuu}

right now I am being chased by a group of monkeys known as demonic monkeys. they always travel in groups and each group consists of a large number of monkeys and they are highly territorial. they are also one of the reasons that this forest is one of the safe spots when a celestial attack. these creatures attack even the celestial creatures. their confidence comes from the group they stay and if they are killed they are all absorbed back into the forest and are reborn again the forest. these creatures are made from the creator’s magic left in the forest.

these demonic monkeys just attack in a group. they only attack the enemy where there is a blind spot. that is their natural instinct. and how did I end up in this situation?

after my first day of training, my master increased the run time to 4 hrs and speed to that of 3 times of bullet train speed. he reduced my time for wandering into the town and kept focusing on the training. the first 10 days he only trained me. he even increased my swordsmanship training and martial arts training.

after 10 days, he changed my training schedule back to a normal one but he changed my swordsmanship and martial arts to varying weapons training. I would train each day with a different weapon so that my fighting style could become diverse. he trained in fighting so much that even me who came from the surface where there is no need to fight is getting used to the fighting as if it were my second nature. he even trained with the red dragon power that it reached from 50 fold to 70 fold in just 10 days and I lose control after 70 fold. I spar with the master at least once a day and sometimes twice a day and rarely if my bad luck more than thrice a day and most of my training was mostly filled with thrice a day until now. but, now I can keep up with my master’s speed when I spar with him. he even took me to the town that is in the borders.

the town in the underworld is not at all different from the surface. the only difference is that it is more of like a world of fantasy in the modern era. the people are all dressed in the same way on the surface. they use modern technology and electricity all of them are run by magic. the vehicles that travel on the roads can talk. they all have feelings as well as if they are another living creature. they used magic to make them living creatures. they don't even need fuel all you need to do is to charge them with your magic power.

until now all the things were never brutal to me except for the day I face my master thrice in a sparring match. at least that was I thought until this conversation happened.

10 days before—

— “today your running exercise will be canceled”

— “really, awesomeeeeeee!!!!, I am so happyyyyyyy!!!!!”

As soon as he said that I jumped with joy. I mean, it was so painful for me, I was running like crazy and it practically felt like hell for me. I ran until I couldn't feel my legs anymore. As I was happy and crying with joy master who is a monster dropped the bombshell on me by introducing me to an entirely new hell.

— “instead you would be doing even tougher than that for an hour”

— *crack*

As soon as I heard that I literally froze thick in that joyous face as if I were an ice sculpture.

— “you would be running inside the forest for that one hour at the same speed you ran outside”

— “What is the difference?”

— “this time you should dodge trees and also you can climb the trees”

— “trees huh, certainly it is harder than before”

— “no that is not the hard part”

— “eh?”

— “The hard part is that including trees there is a specific type of monster which lives in this part of the forest known as the demonic monkey. It is an extremely territorial monster that will kill any intruder. The monkey itself is not strong individually but they travel in so many groups that you cannot even count them. They only attack a person’s blind spot. That is their natural instinct. So you need to be vigilant about them at times and need to observe them in all directions which makes a perfect exercise for you who grew up on the surface where there are no life-threatening situations ”

As I hear his description a chill ran through my spine. He is really a monster to throw in their den like that.

— “..... I don't wanna do it”

— “do it or I will kill you”

— “y-yes”

He said that with a huge amount of pressure which made me shriek and I had no choice but to give in. as I gave up and looked down master looked towards me and continued

— “In the next 10 days you will do this with this speed”

— “w-wait a minute master, then…. After the 10 days?”

I asked him while shaking because I have seen this pattern somewhere before. As I asked him while praying that should not be the case. He answered me

— “isn't it obvious, the speed will increase as well as the toughness and if you reduce the speed in addition to this exercise you will also do the running 10 times the amount of time that you reduced your speed for.”


And thus the present situation


As I was thinking that there was a whistling sound outside of the forest. Meaning that the time is up. As soon as I heard that sound I ran in that direction to run away from the forest while dodging and avoiding all the monkeys. Damn it even the end of the training is life-threatening. And when I reach there my master awaits there while not concerning anything that happened. Certainly, he suits the title ‘demonic teacher of hell’. He sure is demonic when it comes to training damn it.

As I went off the forest there should always be one shadow waiting for me and as soon as I reach the shadow then the exercise is said to be over. But there was not one shadow but two however I did not care about that and ran as fast as I could to the place where the master is so that I can rest as soon as possible.

I reached master and stopped in front of him. I stood before him while breathing heavily and crouching while holding my knees. My heart was pounding so much out of exhaustion that even I can hear its beating. I got better when compared to the first of this training though. If it were that time I would’ve fallen to the ground due to exhaustion.

“Yo katsu”

As I was breathing heavily the other person greeted me. And it was Solomon. He continued

“Doing well in the training I see”

“Does it look like that!? I kiss the death door every single time and come back whenever I train, damnit!!!”

When I said Solomon smiled wryly and said to me

“Well, you are holding on to it better when compared to us”

“Wait you guys did this same type of training!!!?”


“So he throws me into a type of training that only demon lords could do huh. merciless*sob*”

As I was depressed from that thought Solomon said to me

“Well, we were just a little stronger compared to you back that time. We were pretty weak compared to now.”



“What the hell is that gap for!!!!”

As were conversing, Master intervened in our talk

“Enough chit-chat, bow let us go for the sword training after that we shall have a hand to hand to combat training.”

“Oh, the same training as yesterday huh.”

As I was talking to the master, Solomon looked at me with a dubious expression and asked

“Wait a minute. You don't even get a break!?”


As he asked that I turned my face to the other side and replied to him. He was bewildered by that and continued

“What do you mean by no!!!? Even we got breaks from time to time how come you don't get? He really is a demonic teacher”

“Well, I am used to it”

As I said that with a gloomy face he replied with the same gloomy expression

“Actually the training you did was given us after we trained for one year. But you were given it right after 10 days ”

As he said that I looked towards the master and replied to Solomon with an even more depressing look

“.....he really is a demonic teacher”

As we were talking like that there was a sudden chill beside us as we looked in that direction there was a master who was listening to our conversation and releasing a huge amount of pressure. He talked with a huge base tone while holding onto a wooden sword

“Looks like You guys have more energy to talk. Why not change our training session to a sparring session so that we can use that energy efficiently.”


What the heck. What the heck is that black pressure he is releasing and did I just see an asura behind him. What the heck scaryyyyyyy

As we both were being scared from his look Solomon who was as scared as me suddenly fixed his posture and said while sweating after a cough.

“Ahem, alright looks like I am in the way of your training. So I will be watching and cheering for you. Good luck katsu”

He said that while showing me a thumbs up and started to walk away. What the heck!!!? This guy brought up the conversation regarding master and after seeing master’s pressure he is running away as if he has nothing to do with it!!!

“Solomon, you bastard. Don't run away leaving me in this situationnnn”

“Well then katsu, shall we begin?”

As I was about to follow Solomon master held me onto my nape and started to pull me into the forest

“Wait, master, nooooo save meeeeeeeee”

As I was screaming in the fear of the future pain Solomon joined his hands and started to pray as if I am dead. That bastardddddd


In the sparring ground in the middle of the forest. There are two figures facing each other. One standing with confidence while holding a sword on his shoulder. That figure is katsuro and the other one preparing for battle by stretching his body. He is katsu the student that is training under katsuro.

Before every sparring session when both of them are ready katsuro is the one who starts the match by announcing the start and always the first move goes to katsu to land a blow. That is the same rule but the only difference this time is the referee for this match and the one who announces the match is Solomon who is standing on the sidelines of the field and right in the middle of the distance between katsuro and katsu and his servant right behind him.

As both the fighters have done with their warmups and are ready to fight–


Solomon announces the start of the match. As soon as the start of the match is announced, katsu who was in the fighting stance started to run towards katsuro with an amazing speed that kicked up the dust and continued to raise as katsu ran towards katsuro.


Solomon who saw the growth of katsu was shocked and started to look even more interested in the fight.


As soon as katsu reached katsuro he punched him with his fist. The punch was so strong that as soon as the punch was landed on katsuro the dust that was following katsu went sideways of katsuro as he took the punch head-on.

Solomon guarded against the shockwave and dust that passed him and as soon as the shockwave and dust died down. Solomon looked towards the fighters in curiosity about what happened in the fight. As soon he turned in that direction the dust was covering both of them and when the dust started to settle down what he saw was—

“I told you didn't I? Straight attacks won't work”

Katsuro said that. Katsu was in the punching stance as his fist that was used to punch was caught by katsuro. Seeing that katsu smiled and replied

“Who said this was the attack?”


As soon as katsu said that katsu used his leg to kick and target Katsuro's ribcage. But as soon as the kick was noticed katsuro used his sword and blocked the kick while saying

“Did I tell you not to tell you your enemy about your next mo—”

But as he was saying that his sentence was interrupted when katsu used his other leg and kicked Katsuro’s abdomen which was open. Katsuro was taking easy on katsu but that thought was his downfall. As he continued to spar with him every day katsu improved at an abnormal rate.

The hit that katsu gave to katsuro was strong enough in general terms but in the fight with katsuro the general terms does not work out. So in terms of their’s the kick was weak. But it was enough for katsuro to loosen his grip on katsu’s hand and leg he used to attack. Then he used the chance and pushed the punch forward with his maximum strength and punched katsuro in the face. The strength was enough to make move a few steps back. Which was an achievement in itself. After seeing the punch land on katsuro—

“He hit senseiiii!!??”

Solomon who witnessed that opened his mouth wide with shock.

Katsuro was moved a few steps back after the hit. He Smiled and said to katsu who regained his posture and stood in his battle stance.

“I see, you used your first two attacks and hit me but after they were blocked many people panicked but you used another leg to hit me where I would be defenseless and after the hit, I would lose my grip for an instant and you took your chance over that instant. Crazy idea but not a bad one. My guess is that you actually estimated that I would not take you seriously right?”

When he said that katsu replied with a determined expression

“Yes, in all the spars that I saw, you are taking me too lightly so I decided that my goal in the training for these 30 days was to make you take me seriously when fighting. At least a little though.”

After hearing katsuro smile at his determination and continued while chuckling

“Ha ha ha, let us continue, shall we?”


Both of them took their fighting stances and both continued to fight each other



I was lying flat on the grass field. The apr was over and I was beaten to a pulp. It is not that I am not satisfied because I was able to hit master as well. But I am disappointed in myself because, in the end, I was not able to make him go seriously against me. After that one hit, I gave him. I was able to hit him another 3 times but other than that he ended up seeing through all my moves and beat me to a pulp.

“You have grown strong from the day I first you katsu.”

As I was lying down Solomon came to me and sat beside me.

“Yeah, strong enough to be beaten to a pulp by the master and to be chased out by a monkey”

When I said that he looked towards me with a wry smile and said

“Don't say it like that.”

When I said that in a sarcastic way he replied to me like to like that and then I asked him

“....Then how should I say?”

“Say it like, strong enough to hit even sensei and strong enough to escape a sure death place.”


What is he saying when I was confused he replied to me as if he understood me

“Even though sensei is not taking seriously you hitting him means that you are so strong at the moment even we took 3 years of training to just reach that level.”



Woah that means these guys were able to hit him at that time then that means they are even stronger now right?

“Then what about the time he took seriously?”

“He did not even take us seriously when he fought. I heard that he only took a fight seriously when he fought against the strongest demon king maria leviathan. I heard that when he takes his blindfold off then that is the time he is taking the fight seriously.”

“Really? What is behind those blindfolds”

When I asked that he replied with a serious expression

“Nobody knows other than the earth guardians what is behind those blindfolds. But all I heard is when he takes a fight seriously which is when he takes off his blindfold the only thing that happens is a catastrophe that is strong enough to wipe out the entire world”


“Yes, they say that he only took a fight seriously only 5 times in his entire lifetime.”

“Woah~, then I am going to make him go serious against me no matter what. He will fight me seriously I will make him”

I was more determined than before after hearing all that. I will definitely make him go serious against me. I almost forgot–

“Hey Solomon”


“I understand how big of a deal that I hit master but what is this sure death place you are talking about?”

When I asked that he looked at me dumbfounded

“What do you mean by that. It is the demonic monkey's territory”


What is he talking about!? He said that as if it is the most obvious thing

“You are saying that the demonic monkey place is actually sure death place?”

“Yeah, they are extremely territorial, whoever wander that area were killed brutally by them”


“Luckily this part of the forest is away from the town but this is extremely close to the border so the border over this forest is heavily guarded. And this part of the forest is so dangerous that even the celestial creatures have a hard time fighting this which makes this ideal place for hiding when the celestial creatures attack”

I could not believe what I heard from him. As soon as I heard that I fell depressed. I mean I know that this is dangerous but I did not know that it was this dangerous

“I can't believe that the senile old geezer has sent me to a place that is that dangerous.”

“Well, at least you got strong thanks to that training”

“....yeah, you are right, let us think positively, hahaha”


I just laughed it off because thinking about that will only cause more depression. As we both laughed it off I remembered something so important so I asked him while looking towards the sky

“By the way”


“I heard that you used the last trump card of the demons to bring me back is that true?”

“Yes, that was true”

He answered me while he sat and looked towards the forest.

“Why?... Please don't tell me that you just felt like”

When I said that he–

“Hahahaha…. Well that is the part of it”

“Are freaking kidding meeeee!!!!?”

He laughed it off and said while scratching his cheek after a little gap with the laugh. I could not believe this guy. He is a freaking idiot. When I screamed out of shock he just replied in a defensive manner

“No no no, it is not like that. it is just that I felt like it was our fault for your death. And I also felt like you are the only hope for the mythological world. So I used that”

When I heard that I was calmed down. Then he continued while looking towards the forest

“Right now the people in the other islands are suffering while still holding out for their lives in the hopes that they will be saved and some even lost their hope to live and wait for their death. What they need right now is a hero, a hope, a person who cares about them….. A person can protect them”


“Everybody thinks that the demons are nothing but evil creatures. It is true because it is our job to punish and for that, we need to be evil. There might be demons that misuse their power for their own satisfaction but not everybody is like that. Even they have hearts. I wanna save those hearts and the ones who have those hearts. It is not that the one that should save them should not only be me but can be anybody”

“So that was the reason why you revived me huh”

“Yes,... and I don't regret that decision ”

“Same here”

The one who said that was the master who was near the forest until a while ago. He came to us as we were talking to each other. As we looked towards the master he continued while facing the forest while standing on the slant grass field.

“With you here, we might save the underworld and heaven.”

“Yeah, even I am sure about that”

“ You have really got me a wonderful student Solomon”

They both looked towards each other and talked while smiling. But I intervene in their celebration.

“But I am not sure about that?”


When I said that both of them looked towards me as I continued while looking towards the sun

“They say that the sun glows that bright due to the energy that it possesses. The hero that you are talking about is like that sun”

I continued while holding out my hand and over the sun and making a gesture as if I am trying to hold the sun in the palm of my hand.

“The more power he has the brighter he glows. Right now, we don't even know what the result will be until I defeat the celestial creature. I don't accept that I am the hope of the world or a hero to save the world but if you are going to call me that then I will only accept you calling me that when I have actually defeated a leader class and obtain the island back.”

When I said that both of them looked at me while smiling as if they accepted it and I sat up and asked the master

“ Master, what is my level right now?”

“Right now with your power you could fight with a high-level celestial and defeat it.”

When he said that I looked towards him and asked again

“Then what about leader level?”

When I asked that he became silent and with a serious expression he looked towards the forest and continued after a little gap

“.... you would need around 150 fold of red dragon power to defeat a leader-level celestial. As of now, if you fight that celestial you would barely survive its fight.”


When I heard that, I cast down my eyes. It looks like I still have a long way to go huh even after this much training. As I was disappointed Solomon patted my shoulder and said

“You still have another 10 days of training so don't worry and continue to train.”


As he said that I nodded then master asked Solomon

“By the way Solomon, you told me that you would ask him whether he would stay or not on the last day. Just why not ask it right now?”

Yeah, that was what he said at that time. But Master was not there at that time. I think that Solomon and the others said that to him privately. Anyway, I am still not ready to answer. Staying here has completely made my mind at peace. And I don't want to return surface where I might only be remembered facing those problems again. But Miyamoto, Tsubasa, and my family are on the surface. I want to see them very badly but going there will only make problems….. Aaaah, I don’t know anymore

While I was confused over that. Solomon said

“Not now sensei. He still got another 10 days to think. I will ask him after the 30th day’s night. The time before his school starts where the suspension period ends.”

Phew, at least I got bailed out for now. I cannot think of an answer if they asked me. As I was relieved over that Solomon turned towards me and said

“You can think about it slowly I will accept any kind of answer and even continued to be your friend.”


As he said that to me I smiled towards me as he continued

“But please make sure that you don't forget about your promise.”

As soon as he said that my smile was gone and my brain suddenly started to think only one thing as I widened my eyes

— “if we were to die please rescue the underworld”

As soon as I remembered those words my frustration returned and as I was tightening my grip I answered


As I answered like that Solomon as if he understood me placed his hand on my shoulder and said to me

“Don't worry, I trust you”

As soon as I heard that my frustration was gone. He reassured me. My frustration was not gone but I was a little relieved. As he said that and was about to leave his servant victoria said to Solomon

“Master Solomon, you forgot about that.”

As soon as she said that Solomon who walking as if to leave the forest has suddenly turned back at a 180 angle and came towards me and said while scratching his head with a smile

“Ah~, I forgot to mention the reason that exactly came for.”

“.....are you an idiot. You talked about unnecessary stuff and forgot about the main reason you came for. You looked cool before but now you only look like an idiot”


As I said that he looked a little guilty. After seeing his reaction I asked him after a sigh

“Anyway. What is the reason you came here for?”

When I asked that he set his position and said

“We have sent the summoning to the 5 prodigies to hold a meeting”

“To 5 prodigies!!! Wait a meeting!? About what?”

“To discuss the future of the expeditions…”

As he said that he looked towards me and continued

“Well, that is just a farce to cover up.”

“To cover up what?”

“The fact that we are calling them to make you a servant of one of them”

When he said that I didn't know what was going on anymore.

“Making me a servant?”

As I was confused Solomon continued

“You see, no other demon in the underworld other than the 5 prodigies can go on expeditions. Even if the other demons want to go they need to get a permit and need to volunteer for that.”


As I was curiously listening to him he continued

“For you who are training to fight the celestial creatures need to go in either one of the 5 prodigies team to go on expeditions without facing any trouble. So if you want to stay and fight you need to choose one of them as your master. And even if you want to leave becoming a 5 prodigies servant gives you access to anywhere and anything with some exceptions and that will be helpful for you when you are going to fight and the salary is also quite high in the 5 prodigies teams.”

“I see”

As I was wondering about that master said to me

“There are some exceptions though?”


As I asked him in a confused manner master continued

“Not only for 5 prodigies for any of the 10 aristocrats who wanna go on an expedition should at least have a strong weapon or a great amount of experienced servant or a strong servant that can actually defeat a leader level. They will be identified by the demon kings and elders personally whether they are worthy or not.”

“Ah~, so that means none of the 5 prodigies have any of them with them”

“Yes, some are working on weapons, some are working on experience and some are searching for suitable servants”

“And this where I come into the paly huh”

Now all makes sense. As I was thinking that Solomon continued

“Yeah, it does not matter what team you choose you will go to the expeditions.”

As he was saying that master intervene and said to me

“Not quite though”


“Whichever team you choose will come to me for training 2 months or at least until you prove yourselves that you are worthy enough to send you to the island that you would make it back alive.”



“Huuuuuuuuuh!!!? More training!!!!!????? Are you kidding meeeeee!!!!!?”

No way more training and this time it is even worse for 2 months. No way. As I was screaming Solomon said to me.

“Don't worry”

“What do you mean don't worry. Oh does that mean I am not going to have training? Please say that is it”

“No, you will have it is just that you will get used to it”


As I was screaming Solomon continued

“Anyway, about the meeting”

As he said that I just forgot what I heard from master and continued to listen to Solomon afterall that is for the future

“The meeting will be on the day after tomorrow in the evening time”

“Why evening thought?”

“You see the 5 prodigies have quite a number of fans and at that time the crowd will be low due to it being evening”

“Oh I see”

As I agreed to it Solomon looked towards Master and said

“Anyway sensei I will leave it to you to bring him to the venue”

“Sure, I will bring him right on the time”

When the master said that Solomon smiled and left the forest with victoria.