It was finally the day Solomon mentioned. That day Nothing special happened just like every normal day. I did my daily training. the only thing that happened differently was I did not go to visit the town instead we came to a city. As soon as we came to the city the entire city was in a buzz as they saw master. I guess he is famous. Even when we came to the hotel that looked way beyond luxurious than a 5-star hotel where the meeting is being held. The guards stopped me in front of the entrance denying my permit but as soon as they saw master they specifically escorted us to the receptionist with a sweaty face.

As soon as we reached the receptionist she saw the master and bowed to him along with the remaining staff that was near the reception. The receptionist gave a special VIP room for both of us. That room was way beyond luxury. As we entered the room I went near the window to look at the view outside and what I saw was

“Holy hell, there are so many people standing over the footpath of the hotel.”

Yes, what I saw was so many people standing infront of the hotel that the entire road view is filled with people. All of them are standing on the footpaths and there are guards infront of the people trying to stop them from coming infront of the road. There are even guards standing infront of the entrance of the hotel by making way to the entrance. The reason the guards that are present near the entrance while man=king way is because there are media present at that place I did not know that the media is also present in this place. As I was surprised of that master came near me and said

“The ones that are coming today are super popular after all. They are the admired idols of the entire hell and considered as the future protectors of the hell.”

As soon as I heard that I suddenly remembered the words that Solomon said to me

— “Why evening though ?”

— “You see the 5 prodigies have quite a number of fans and at that time the crowd will be low due to it being evening”

“This many people are low in your terms solomon?”

I asked that to Solomon who was not here while smiling wryly.

One time when I was training master told me that the entire hell is the same size as that of the surface and if we convert this island into the terms of surface. Let us say that the island that we are staying on is like japan and the 10 aristocrats and the other nobles that live in the area which is like the royal capital are compared to Tokyo and the other people that live in other places of the island is like the countryside and other towns. Even though there is a crisis that is going on in hell and the hell might fall one day the people that live here are living peacefully without any worries and the reason for that is the 10 aristocrats, the demon kings, the fighters and the especially the 5 prodigies are there to protect them that is how much trust they put in them.

To join in the team of the 5 prodigies and to become their servant there are so many people that tried to become one of them and there were even tournaments of some sorts that were held for that very reason and the until now they are only single-digit number of people that were able to make it like that. honestly, I should consider myself lucky that I am becoming their servant. That is what the master said to me.

As I was thinking that on the road there was a horn sound and following that horn sound 11 cars that are coming in an order one by one on the way left by the crowd. As they are coming the crowd started to get excited. The bodyguards that were guarding the way has started to get alert and stopped the excited people from coming onto the roads. Here the vehicles have feelings as well and can talk and somehow the cars gave the vibe of a bodyguard in a black suit

As the crowd was excited and the guards were on alert the cars that were coming finally reached the hotel. The first passed the entrance and stopped a little bit further and the next car that came right after stopped infront of the entrance and people in a black suit from the front vehicle came and opened the door that is stopped infront of the entrance. Somehow I feel like seeing the entrance of a president to a public meeting. As I was looking at them, the master stood beside me


“Lord argon”

The girls started to kick up a fuss. The one who came from the car was a handsome man with an arrogant look on his face. It looks as if he is a spoiled child from a noble family in the stories. As soon as he stepped down from the car the media started to flash their cameras. And next to me master started to explain about him.

“Argon phoenix. The next heir of the phoenix family, one of the 10 aristocratic families. His power is the master rank of magma. Has a great talent with his magic”

As he started to walk into the entrance the car left the road and the 4th car and stopped in front of the entrance while in the same pattern the guards from the 3rd car came and opened the door of the 4th car. The one who came from the car was another handsome man with a muscular body

“Kyaaaaaa!!! Lord hiro!!!”

the girls kicked up more fuss than before when argon came.

“Hiro bael, the next hair of the bael family one of the 10 aristocratic families. It is said that he is physically the strongest in the 5 prodigies. The master rank of the light magic - regulus star. His magic is not as great as the other prodigies. So he made up for it with his physical strength. And he even combined his physical strength with his magic and climbed to the top and became a prodigy.”

“I see”

As I wondering about that, the next car comes infront of the entrance and as the person was about to get down—


—all the boys shouted in admiration. I can guess it is a woman. And as I was thinking that the person got down from the car and it really is a woman. That person somewhat looked like a genius. She had glasses and she was a beauty as well.

“Aluvina stolas, the next heiress of the stolas family and the leading contributor of the weaponry inventing and she is at present working on the weapon to fight against the celestials. She is the master rank of the materials magic”


The next car came in front of the hotel and this time the boys and girls both shouted in admiration. The people seem they are more excited than before. As they were all screaming in admiration the person got down from the car.

“..... you….are….kidding, right? ”

I murmured that to myself as I saw the person. As I was shocked from that master told me

“Ariena sitri, the next heiress of the sitri family and the most intelligent of the 5 prodigies. The master of the water magic”

Ariena sitri. The student council president of my school. Why is she here? Wait, she is a demon, and most of all she is one of the 5 prodigies!!!?

“No way”

As I was murmuring that to myself the next car came infront of the entrance. Before even the door was opened there were loud shouts from both the men and women and as the next person was about to step down from the car all the shouts increased at an incredible rate. Why are they shouting this much. as the next person stepped down from the car master explained to me.

“ this person is the most famous of all the 5 prodigies, intelligent beautiful, and the master rank of the annihilation magic. She is the strongest in all of the 5 prodigies in overall aspects. The next heiress of the Gremory household….”

“Yugina….. Gremory”

Master was explaining but my shock has even more raised from before when I saw president because this time the person who came was one of the two idols of our school. Miss yugina gremory, my senior that I always dream of having as my girlfriend. As the master was explaining I was completely shocked and instead of murmuring her name I unconsciously said it out loud.

“Hm? You know her?”

Master who listened to me saying her name out loud asked me as I was still shocked and sweating bullets master who saw me continued his question

“What are you sweating and shocked about?”

“Ariena sitri…. and ….yugina gremory are my seniors in the school back on the surface. One is the student council president and the other is one of the school idols”


Master who listened to what I said was shocked brought his hand to his beard and said while stroking it

“I heard that those two are residing on the surface to protect it but I have not expected them to be from your school and for you to know them. interesting”

He is finding my citation as interesting!!!? For me, it is way more shocking. What the hell is this. I don't think I can handle it if I end up in any one of their teams. No, I will have to choose a team properly, or else I cannot reach my goal. I will have to handle it even if it means I have to go to either of their teams.

As I determined myself I sat down on a chair away from the window and was still thinking about those two I have seen and trying to get used to the fact that those two are demons.