“When are we going to meet them!?”

I asked the master who was looking outside from the window while standing beside me. We came out of the room that was allotted for us and are standing in the hallway beside a window where the meeting is being held.

“There will be an initial meeting to discuss the future plans and the current situation with the underworld. Don't worry they will call you when it is time”

“....yeah, …. Right”


I am right now in a tense position since I saw the president and Miss Yugina along with the 5 prodigies. It was quite a shock seeing both of them as demons and on top of that one of the highest and strongest demons in the underworld. I got used to the fact that both of them are demons but it was still a shock for me.

“Still shocked by the fact that they are the demons?”

Master who was staring at me seemed to have understood my thoughts and asked me the question

“Y-yes, actually I am still pretty shocked that they are the demons that I may work with and even in the school I am not very good with either of them”

In school, I have never met with Miss Yugina or even talked with her. And as for the president even though she talked to me she was always cold to me but she supported me whenever there is justice on my side. But during the last incident, even she might think that I was the one who did it.

— “How dare you!!!”


As I was thinking that I suddenly remembered what has happened in the school. Why do I have to suddenly remember all that? Damn it.

As I was thinking that master talked to me as if he had read my mind

“Sigh~, I don't know what happened to you at the school or I don't even need to know because that does not concern me”

“Eh!?, ah….yes”

He is saying to me that it does not concern him. Well, that is the truth after all. What happened to my life is my only problem. For others, it only looks as if it is a small matter but for me, it is something that concerns my life. I need to solve my problem.

As I was thinking that master continued while looking towards the outside of the window

“As well as you”


“As I said. It does not concern me as well as you”

“N-no, no, no. it concerns me because it happened to me after all. right? ”

“That does not concern you but It used to concern you”

“Huh!?``Master, I don't get what you are saying”

“Listen well, katsu. The day that you lost your life is the day that you left everything that happened on the surface behind you. You were reborn with a new path in front of you. So leave what you lost in that life and carve what is in front of you for your dream. Whether you live on the surface or in the underworld just carve your way. And for that, your first step is to join these 5 prodigies. So don't overthink it and just move forward with your dream. Got it?”

As he said that I widened my eyes and looked at him. Some of my tension and frustration was relieved when I heard him. Maybe due to the tension relief. My eyes were welled up with tears as I looked towards the master. I cleared my tears and answered

“Yes, thank you master”

As I said, the master smiled at me and continued to look outside the window.

According to the master, whenever the 5 prodigies gather together they all share the intel regarding training and gathering servants and incidents that happened. After that, they take a little break and discuss what to do about the future plans. But, today is a bit different. Instead of talking about the future aspects, they will present me in front of them. And according to the master, some of the 5 prodigies are extremely arrogant but good when they are used to them. So since it is me who is the person meeting them for the first time and on top of that being in a lower to theirs. They will definitely act arrogantly with me more than that. So to counteract that I myself need to act arrogantly and show them my strength with the same arrogance. No matter how far things go I should not back down until they stop arrogantly. That is what my master told me.

The recruitment for the 5 prodigies' servants is way too different when it is compared to normal. The person is first identified and observed by the demon kings or the elders to see whether he is worthy of being the 5 prodigies' servant or not. Then the person that is deemed worthy of being their servant will be presented in front of them. The 5 prodigies won't be provided any information regarding his powers or anything of the person standing in front of them. They need to identify his strength out of their own accord and decide whether to accept the person into their team or not. It is to check whether the 5 prodigies have the right planning and understanding regarding their weaknesses and strengths and once if they select the teammate and the teammate did not do good then they cannot blame any of the government officials since it is them making their own decision. As for me, I will be suppressing my dragon’s power and my dragon's ki is camouflaged by the master. Since I am a special existence they need to be extra careful identifying me. Whoever is interested in choosing the servant then they will be raising their hands and if there are multiple selectors then the servant gets to choose his master.

Apparently, Yugina and the president are very picky when it comes to their servants. They choose their servants very particularly. In fact, they even search for their own servants. It is said that every servant they chose is said to be worthy of the 10 aristocratic head candidates once they get older and stronger.


As I was thinking all this the door has opened. Seems like it is break time now. It has almost been 1 hour since the meeting has started.

The one who came through the door was demon kings along with their servants. All four of them went in the same direction which is to the hall. Following them were 5 prodigies the two boys came out while talking to each other and there is a woman along with them. The one I continuously looked at was the next pair. It was yugina and the student council president. They seem to be best friends that were walking together. Although they both do not talk that much in school. They were talking to each other. As I was looking at them miss yugina who was in her casual attire looked in my direction. As our eyes met each other she opened her eyes wide open as if she did not expect to see me here.

“Hm? what's wrong?”

President who was talking with her stopped after seeing yugina’s reaction and noticed that she was looking in my direction and she looked in my direction with a curious face.


President who saw me muttered my name with a shocking face. After seeing me she walked in my direction while saying talking

“Why are you here? Wait if you are here then does that mean that you are a demon?”

She asked me questions but I did not listen to any of those and continuously looked towards yugina. Since she was beautiful and this is my first time looking at her in her casual clothing. As I was looking at her—

“Katsu legami!!!”


“I am talking to you”


President who was always cool and rational suddenly lost her cool and shouted at me with impatience and asked me questions with a bewildered face. Well, it is my fault for ignoring her though. As I answered her she asked me again

“Are you a demon?”


“From when?”

“I became a demon 20 days prior”

“20 days!!?, that is around the time when you were suspended. Your parents told me that you went to your grandma.”

Why is she so desperate and losing her cool what is happening?

“Well, a lot of things happened and …”

I could not tell her what happened or rather I did not want to tell her and remember that stuff from back then. As I was hesitating she looked at me with even more aggressive eyes and—

“What do you mean a lot of things. Tell me”


She was pressuring me for an answer. Even then I was hesitating from answering her

“Don't worry you will know all the answers once the meeting starts again”

“L-L-Lord katsuro!!!? p-p-please Excuse my rudeness for not greeting you and for showing you something embarrassing”

Master who seems to have understood my situation came to my rescue. As soon as the president saw him she snapped back to her senses and bowed down the master and apologized. As she apologized master nodded to her as if he is accepting the apology she asked the master

“Lord katsuro what do you mean by the one you said earlier ”

“You will know all the answers you are looking for once the meeting starts so don't worry about that and continue your meeting”


President was hesitating to leave without knowing the answers then aster continued

“If there are any unanswered questions then I will personally answer all of those.”

“...yes, then I will take my leave”

She accepted the master’s proposal and left while looking at me to the place where yugina was standing while watching all of this. They both met with each other and went back into the meeting room.

As miss yugina was going into the meeting room she looked towards me curiously while making her way into the room.


“Alright let us move onto the future plannings”

In the meeting room meeting has started after the breather. As soon as the meeting has started alumina started to talk about the future plannings but–

“Before that—”

As Aluvina was about to start the meeting Solomon intervened.

The table everyone was sitting at was a huge conference table in u shape with the horizontal side opposite to the entrance of the room and the other two sides are attached to the horizontal side. The demon kings are sitting on the side that is opposite the entrance and the 5 prodigies are sitting on the other sides of the table.

As Solomon intervened everyone turned their attention towards the demon kings as Solomon continued

“Before talking about the future plans I would like to talk about you guys taking in a new servant into your team”

When he said that everybody looked at him with a confused expression and Aluvina asked him while argon retaliated

“Why a servant all of a sudden? If you are bringing this up right now then there must be a reason right?”

“Yeah, we only choose our servants”

When she asked Solomon. He replied after a brief silence

“We cannot afford to waste any more time because. Day by day our situation is getting worse. The more we wait for you guys to be ready to take on expeditions the more time we are giving the celestials to recuperate the lost power from the war that took place 100 million years ago. It took all the 12 zodiac guardians sacrifice for that power to die down and if it were to rise back up then this world is doomed.”

As he said that everybody looked at him intently as he continued

“The god died. Heaven is in chaos. We don't have maria leviathan or the zodiac guardians. The only way we have right now is you guys the 5 prodigies. And for you guys to go on expeditions the only way is to take on as many servants as possible and of course we are not going to introduce the servants that are not worthy of your teams”

When he said that everybody who looked confused and argon who was retaliating became silent as if they had accepted his reasoning. Then argon says with an unaccepting and arrogant tone

“Hmph, I don't take someone weak as my servant and I already have more than enough servants already but if it is a girl I might reconsider it and take her in as my servant and as well in my harem”

When he said that all the girls looked at him disgustingly

Then Hiro continued to him

“I will take him in if he is physically strong because i might wanna add one more sparring partner in my team”

Then aluvina said

“I would like to accept the servants that you introduce to us but i cannot take him in unless he is knowledgable in tech or physically strong”

The only ones that remain are yugina and ariena



They both were silent and as if to explain the meaning of that silence argon explains

“Since those two generally don't take in the servants that were introduced and they only take on the servants that they personally choose. So we might be the only ones to choose”

Then Solomon answers

“Well, don't say that. They might at least look at the servant”

As they were talking to each other yugina replied to argon

“Yeah, it is not like I don't wanna take in a servant that is directly offered by the demon kings. It is just that I take in the servants that personally interest me. Right ariena?”

“Yeah, I agree with you”

As they completed their talk Solomon replies

“So it is decided. Hey could you call in katsu”

After a while, servants open the door and—

“E-excuse me”

Katsu walks in while saying that.