I was seeing outside the window while waiting in the hallway for them to call me. The only thing that came to my mind was yugina looking at me while going into the room. As I was looking outside a servant came to us and said to us

“Lord katsu, Lord demon king, and others are calling for you”

As I heard that I headed to the meeting room while following the servant. I was a little nervous and hesitant to go towards the meeting room. As I was hesitating master patted my back and said

“Go and select a suitable master for you. Even if you stay there due to tension nothing will come for you. If you want to live in the peaceful days then you must step forward.”

He must have understood that I was feeling tense so he encouraged me and continued

“Remember katsu. One's life is like a carving stone. Your future is yours to carve. Like I said before just leave the stone that you had in your previous life. Now you got a new stone just carve it neatly in the way you want. Now go.”

As i heard that some sort of confidence built up in my heart. I really am fortunate to have him as my master. I smiled and answered him with a confident tone


As I said that he patted my back and pushed me forward. I don't know why but when he patted my back I forgot all my tension I suddenly remembered all the gruesome training he put me through but there are some fun days as well. As I stepped forward I replied to him in a confident voice

“I will be right back”

As I said that I went over to the door. The opposite of this door is the place where the meeting is taking place. The underworld's top figures are on the other side of this room. As I went in I only remembered that I should act arrogantly in order to avoid facing the arrogance of the other party. I stepped infront of the door and the doorkeepers opened the door and I stepped inside the door.

“E-excuse me”

As soon as i opened the door a sudden chill passed down through my spine. I could feel a tremendous aura all of a sudden. Even i can feel it that they are all out of their own league. Even miss yugina and the president have their aura running wild in the room as if it is their daily life. I coil not feel it when they were talking to me on the outside maybe they are testing me since I came as a servant or maybe they are like this when they are in official talks. The only thing is that they are strong not as strong as master but they are in their own league. I can't believe that even they cannot defeat a leader class celestial.

I went inside the room and the door was closed as soon as i entered the room as soon as i went into the room Hiro and argon looked at me with a side glance and both of them who were serious until then looked at me and smiled. Both of them have smiled but both of their smiles are different. The smile that Hiro gave me was as if he had seen a worthy person that he was searching for a while and the smile that argon gave me was as if he was mocking me. And following those two all the other three looked at me. Miss yugina and president has reacted for an instant as if they had not expected me to be the new servant and went back to normal while the aluvina looked at me curiously. As they were all staring at me Solomon introduced me.

“This is katsu legami. A human who had reincarnated into a demon recently ”

As he said that argon was the first to react in an arrogant tone

“Hah, a human reincarnates you say. You want us to take garbage like him!? He is just a weakling that I cannot even sense a good amount of magic power from him. Is it that negligible?”

Well as much as his comments hurt. What he said is true. Because master katsuro has used some kind of technique of his to camouflaged my “ki” just to be safe since my ki has even been acknowledged by abeloth the red dragon and as for the magical force I am just suppressing it right now in order to test them just like master and Solomon said before entering the room.

“I don't know, my gut is saying that he's quite strong”

As I was thinking that hiro said that as argon followed

“Hah!? Gut feeling? Come on it is just your gut feeling”

“My gut feeling has never been out of the mark though and even his body looks quite strong”

Just as he said my body developed quite well due to the training with the master over the past month. Well that hell is the result of this muscular body

“Appearances can be deceiving”

“any way he might be good enough though”

As they were arguing with each other Solomon interrupted and said

“So who is interested in taking him to raise your hands”

As soon as he said that argon replied without a moment of hesitation

“Count me out”

After his response. Three out of five prodigies raised their hands and among them is president and miss yugina and the other one is hiro. I don't know why but as soon as the other three see miss yugina and the president raise their hands they were all so shocked that they didn't look in any other direction but the both of them for a few minutes. Especially towards miss yugina

“You are kidding that yugina and ariena are raising their hands for the servant that they did not choose!? And to top it off that yugina raised her hand to choose a government introduced servant”

Aluvina was the first one to break the silence by saying this. Well, I can understand what they meant by that, both of them especially miss yugina has never chosen a servant that has been introduced by the government. She chose her own servants and bonded with them as if they were all her own family of brothers and sisters. It is said by my master that the bond between her servants and her is the strongest in the entire hell. Even stronger than the bond between the demon kings and their servants.

Seeing her raise her hand argon followed the lead of alumina and asked yugina directly with a surprising face

“Oi, oi, even yugina!? Are you saying you will accept this trash!?”

“Why not. He looks strong”

“Then how will you explain his magic power?”

“He might be suppressing his magic.”

“Don't you think you are being deceived!?”

“If he is suppressing his magic power as I said then you are the one being deceived.”

“So you are saying that this trash has a strong magic power that he even needs to suppress his magic in order to stand before us?”


“Heh, you sure got some high expectation for some trash”

He said that while looking at me and grinning as if he is looking down on me.

What is this guy’s problem? He is continuously referring to me as trash. Is he the one that the master said as the arrogant guy!? He must be. I am getting angry and I wanna talk back to this bastard. Even the master himself said to me that I should act arrogant in front of guys like him But it might cause big trouble if I talk back to one of the 5 prodigies who are one of the biggest figures of the underworld after the demon kings. But if I don't talk back now, everything will repeat like when it happened in my previous life.

— “I suspect katsu”

— “How dare you!!!”

Suddenly everything that happened to me in my previous life has flashed before my eyes. As i remembered all of that my fist has tightened on its own. Then all of a sudden one sentence came to my mind

— “Remember katsu. One's life is like a carving stone. Your future is yours to carve. Like I said before just leave the stone that you had in your previous life. Now you got a new stone just carve it neatly in the way you want. Now go.”

The one sentence that my master said before I was going to the meeting room. This is my life and my future is mine carve. After remembering that I determined myself and as I was thinking all this argon who was smiling at me and asked as if to mock me

“Hey, they are saying that you are suppressing your power. Is that true? ”

He asked me with an arrogant and sarcastic smile then I replied.

“I heard that the 5 prodigies are currently the strongest in the entire underworld considering their age. Yet here you are asking me who is a lowly servant or ‘trash’ in your terms that whether I am suppressing my power or not? Are you that weak?”


When I said that argon was wide-eyed and looking at me with a surprised face and when I observed in the other direction the demon kings were smiling and the other prodigies are as much shocked as argon was. Without caring about their expressions I continued while looking towards argon

“I am surprised that one of the 5 prodigies can't tell whether I am suppressing my power or not? Are you really one of the 5 prodigies.”


He was about to say something but I intervened and continued

“Or are you telling me that you are not strong enough to sense whether I am suppressing my magic or not? Then are you really that weak?”

As I said that argon body trembled while the others were seeing towards him and he asked with a shaky voice as if to hold on to his anger

“What … did you … just say?”

“Are you really that weak?”

As he asked me I replied to him in a cold voice without any hesitation


He hit the table and started to shout in anger

“You… you got a big mouth for a weakling and a servant. You are talking to a high-class devil and me all of that the great argon. Show some respect”

He said that while looking at me and clenching in anger

“I see,... ”


“So you are neither of them. huh”

“See now you are talking like a mutt”

“So you are a small kid who is forcing the others and throwing a tantrum to show you respect huh”


“well, cry a little bit like a kid and then i will show you some respect.”


Argon was silent with clearly angrier than before


After hearing my line all the other five prodigies and the demon kings and their servants were trying to hold back their laughter. Even miss yugina who I have never seen laugh like this was giggling.

As for argon who suffered humiliation by becoming a laughing stock infront of the others got, even more, angrier and shaking in rage


He was somehow laughing. As he laughed all the others have quieted down and his body started to release a little bit of pressure as he was grinning. Then he looked at me and said

“Got any last words?”

“Wait what are you planning to do?”

As Hiro asked argon replied while his pressure started to increase

“Isn't it obvious putting a servant who doesn't know his place into an eternal sleep”

As others heard that everybody got shocked except the demon kings

“Stop it”

When the president said that he screamed at her

“Shut up. You guys laughed at me just a while ago. You don't have any right to stop me. I will put him down who has brought me humiliation”

Everybody is panicking and trying to stop him with their own magic pressure but it was already too late.


As he said that the huge magic pressure that was leaking from his body started to make its way towards me.


His aura was strong. There was killing intent mixed in it. its flow was so strong that the papers on the table started to fly away due to its force. That hit me as was in bit astonished by its force. No wonder they are called the 5 prodigies they might be as strong as me when I used my 50 fold power.

As the pressure hit me I almost collapsed down on my knees in pain due to the sudden hit of the pressure. This guy is strong.

As I was in pain argon said to me in an arrogant voice while laughing

“See, how is that?. That is the power of the prodigies that you looked down on”

When did I ever look down on the 5 prodigies? Well, I did look down on you. so, technically I look down on the 5 prodigies.


As he said that I, who almost fell on my knees stood back on my legs as if it was nothing while his aura was still flowing towards me. As he was shocked I replied to him.

“Hmmm, you really are strong. My mind went numb for a second there and almost collapsed on my knees due to the sudden attack. I take back what I said you are strong and you really are one of the 5 prodigies.”

As I said to him his voice and face became pale and asked me

“No way, how in the hell did you get back up and you like it was nothing.”

“It was nothing after all”

“Don't joke with me, many people and servants who were at the top of the mid-class rankings have passed out and even the high-ranking demons have taken damage and you did not even flinch.”

“Well, the first thing I did flinch”

“But that doesn’t even—”

“And second…”

As he was about to say something I intervened and said with the same pressure leaking from my body

“I felt even worse than that”

Yep because when facing master in duels i would have to feel his pressure and blood lust. Even though he did not take me seriously his pressure was strong enough to choke me to death. I have to face life and death even facing him in endure that blood lust there is no other way but to face it and get used to the pressure and blood lust or even intimidation. The more powerful you face the stronger your mind gets. To top it off master even taught me how to use the killing intent of the red dragon abeloth. to release my killing intent, all I need to do is release the red dragon’s aura and that itself is strong enough since the heavenly dragon's

aura itself has blood lust mixed in it. Unless you fully control the dragon’s power you cannot control that red dragon and if I mix my own blood lust into the aura then it gets even stronger than the red dragon aura. The more I learn to control the power of the red dragon the more powerful the blood lust gets.

As I was thinking that argon shouts in anger

“Don't mess with me. You are just a low-class demon and on top of that, you are a former human. You are not that capable what kind of a trick did you use!!!?”

When he said that all the others were just as much curious as he is and the demon kings were just smiling then why not i just show it to him instead.

as I was thinking that I said to him with a cold voice while increasing the amount of pressure that was leaking from before.

“As I said before, I just faced even worse”

As soon as I said that I directed my blood lust aura towards him just like what he did to me.


As katsu released his blood lust. it was directed towards argon. At one glance it can be said that the blood lust katsu released was clearly stronger than what argon has released earlier. The wave did not even reach them, yet the 5 prodigies felt chills through their bones and a cold sweat started to form on their faces.

“wh- what the hell…. is this?”

Hiro said that

“So…. powerful”

Aluvina said

“It is not just powerful it so dense and—”


Ariena and yugina said that.

As the five prodigies were facing the facts and are afraid of it. The target argon who was sweating like the others—

“Whatever it is, there is no way that this great me can be beaten by a lowly weakling like him”

Was acting tough due to his pride. Words correct the fools while actions correct the arrogance. What katsu chose was to show the action and to do that he released his blood lust towards argon after covering his entire body in the red colored aura.


As soon as the wave reached the 5 prodigies all of them felt even more pain in their eyes. Just for that moment, they all looked at katsu and behind him, they saw something so fearful that they thought that all the fearsome fights and enemies they faced until then in their lives were nothing more than a warmup. They understood that they were basically frogs living in a well. What they saw behind katsu was a fearsome pair of blood-red eyes that were thirsty for blood. when they saw that all of their faces went into fear with sweat dripping from their cheeks. The entire room is in chaos due to the power of aura. The pressure was so strong that along with the papers from before the chairs were also flying due to the pressure and even the tables were cracked due to that pressure.

In the midst of all this, there was one person who thought to himself while shaking in fear

(what a strong blood lust and top it off it is not even directed at us)

Hiro who thought that looked at the target argon. His legs were literally shaking with fear while his face was pale as he was—

“What… the hell…. Is that?”

Looking at the bloody red eyes behind katsu. Argon who could no longer face that fell onto his knees. Even the demon kings went numb by facing the killing intent of the heavenly dragon. As katsu saw this he thought this would be enough to prove his strength and stopped his pressure. When he stopped it argon literally fell onto the ground and was breathing heavy. All the others prodigies were breathing heavily while still standing and the demon kings were still sweating.

“Lord demon kings are you alright!!?”

As they were all suffering from the aftereffects of the blood lust the two fighters who were guarding the meeting room came rushing in as they heard the commotion that happened in here.

As soon as they came in and saw the state of the room they went silent due to the confusion and talked to themselves

“...what happened here?”

“No worries fighters, it is just a test for the newbie here”

Solomon who observed them have cleared the confusion by saying that while pointing towards katsu

The fighters who saw katsu standing over there smiled and bowed towards the demon kings

“Sorry for barging in without permission”

“No no no glad that you are doing your jobs, you may leave”

“Yes sir”

As the fighters were leaving they looked towards katsu and—

“Try not to die, newbie. These guys are 5 prodigies. Their one serious look is enough to kill you. got it? Try to be careful”

The servants said to him as if a senior is advising the junior

When they heard that the 4 demon kings were smiling wryly and as for the 5 prodigies themselves, they all went gloom and thought to themselves

(what you are saying right now is just the reverse of what happened a minute ago)

As they were thinking as that katsu looked towards them with a smile and replied

“Thank you for your concern. I will keep that in my mind and try my best. They have not actually gotten serious at me earlier but i managed to survive their test. I think I may pass”

When they heard that they went even gloom and thought to themselves

(what the hell is this guy saying!!!!? What did he mean by ‘may pass’ are you kidding me)

“Yeah, yeah, do your best”

While saying that the servants left while laughing it off as they were seeing a delusional kid in his dreams.

After they left all 5 prodigies except for argon who took the direct hit, have managed to get back to their shapes after a few moments and the demon kings have calmed down as well. The hands of the 5 prodigies were not shaking but they clearly went numb due to that blood lust experience and even the demon kings felt like that. Hiro who observed that asked with a confused face

“To think that it even affected the demon kings…. What are you?”

As hiro was asking that ariena who was observing katsu with an anxious face thought to herself

(katsu…. What happened to you in this short while….. If the person who entrusted you to me see this, then she will kill me for sure)

After all this, argon was also on his feet but was clearly still shaking.

As they were all still looking astonished katsu sighed and—


“Hey, show some respect. He is the demon king you cannot call him casually like that—”

“No, it's alright”

When he said that everybody looked at him with shock and ariena shouted as Solomon intervened and stopped her and looked at katsu since he called him

“So what were you saying?”

Katsu who does not even seem to care about ariena shouting replied to Solomon with a serious tone

“Are you sure these guys are the strongest?”

When he said that everybody looked at him in anger as he continued

“Not to be rude. These guys who could not even handle my blood lust cannot even match a leader level. They will just die”

“Hey, don't look down on us”

“I am just stating the facts. Back on the surface, I faced a low-level celestial creature. It….tortured me to death. That in itself has become a traumatic memory for me. Since I faced a low-level even I can say that the leader level is way too powerful than that. I am just saying this because I don't want anybody to face something like that.”

Katsu said that while gripping his own shaky hand. He was clearly frustrated and afraid due to remembering his own death.

“Hah. you lost to a low-level celestial, the weakest class and you are talking about the strength and saying that we are weak, pathetic”

As he was clearly frustrated argon made fun of katsu even in that situation. Lucifer who heard that replied with a serious tone

“You really think he is weak even after what you have felt”

“N-no but he lost to a low-level celestial–”

“That was when he was a human. Any human facing death by a celestial creature feels traumatic and fearful. The one who knows fear can feel the actual size of the threat.”


“You may not know it. But you fearing his blood lust is not something to be ashamed of, to be honest, you should be proud that you guys managed to bear that. If it is anybody other than you 5 they would have passed out and in the worst case, they would have died. His blood lust can even fear the celestials”


As he said that everybody was shocked and looked towards Solomon in unison and after that they looked back towards katsu


Said hiro

“It is said that the celestial creatures are said to be beings that do not fear god himself. They were almost determined to be emotionless things”

Said ariena

“And yet he is the one that made a celestial fear for him with just his blood lust….honestly if I were to listen from someone else I would’ve never believed but if lord Solomon is saying that i have to believe whether i accept it or not.”

Said aluvina

These three said that out while looking towards katsu with the others as they are all sweating. Katsu who was casting his eyes down while gripping his fist in frustration replied by lifting up his head

“Look if you are angry about before then I am sorry for that.”


Argon clicked his tongue as if he was not accepting his apology but katsu continued

“But what I did before was to show that even this much is not enough to defeat a leader class, celestial creature. To top it off that was not even my full power so for you guys, who were not even able to handle that cannot even get enough to it.”

Hearing that hiro asked with an angry face

“Say, if you think you can defeat it when you use your full power then why not use it and prove us that we are wrong?”

“It is not that easy, using my fullpower costs my sanity. I lose control and my full power is strong enough to cause havoc”

Hearing that aluvina says

“Then why are you talking to us like we are weak and you are strong. Aren't you on the boat like us? Arent you also weak”

When she said that katsu stays silent for a while. yugina and ariena stays out of this while the other three are arguing with katsu

“....yes, you are right. I am weak. But unlike you guys who are just trying to stay like that without any training and staying arrogant. I am working my ass off to get stronger”

“Who said we are staying like that we are working hard to get strong enough as well. Getting strong needs time you know that?”

argon said that to katsu

“...getting strong needs time I agree with that. For that, there is a solution that is you need to cut off the time from your personal uses.”

“W-what do you mean by that?”

Katsu replies with a serious look on his face

“If you are working 10 hours a day then work 12 hours a day. If you getting used to the training then use even tougher training. You need to do whatever you can to get stronger at this point in time. Even if it means wreaking your body to the point where you cannot even stand”

“Are you.....insane? What kind of guy does that kind of training!!!”

Argon who hears that replied like that with a tensed face

“Because the time that you are taking to train is the remaining time for this world that is running out. Can you be sure that there will not be a celestial attack right now?”

“Th-that is…”

“I don't know about you guys and what you are working for and I am not gonna say anything about that but I am working my butt off to get stronger in order to achieve my dream. That is so important to me that I don't even care about my body and the pain it possesses. In order to achieve that I will endure as much pain as I can.”


“Back when I was human. I was alone with no friends. The only ones that supported me were my family and my only two friends and those were the reason that I did not even consider committing suicide due to loneliness. and as if those were not enough, there were some nasty rumors on me spreading around the entire school and I was the center of their hatred. Just recently I was even framed for something that I did not even do and was beaten by my own classmates for that.”

As katsu said that ariena shows a guilty face since all of this happened due to her incompetence as the student council president.

“Due to me being framed I was suspended for one month from school and on the same day night when I was alone in the park I encountered a low-level celestial creature and dies in the most brutal way that I have ever seen. These guys made me reborn and gave me another chance at life. So I decided that I would take this chance and make a goal to myself to live my entire remaining life peacefully and that is my dream.”

Katsu said all of this with a shaky voice while gripping his fist tighter and tighter. As he said all this with a painful expression on his face all of the people in the room even argon was silent. And as if to change the mood and break the silence

“There is something that has been bugging me”

Yugina asked that and after hearing her voice everybody looked at her as she continued

“You said that you ‘died’ right?”


“Then how come you are here and well and strong. And top it off that power I have seen just now what is that?”

When katsu heard that and was about to reply Solomon raised his hand and said

“About that, the thing is—”

“My lord!!!”

As Solomon was about to explain what happened a fighter came breaking through the door and shouting in high tone and was breathing very heavily and was sweating as well. As if he ran from far away

“What? What is the matter”

As Solomon asked the fighter to see his condition. The fighter replied with a heavily breathing





“A high-level celestial has invaded the island!!!”
