Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

Lara told me we were doing the assignment in their library, Lara's house was very large, it had a lot of rooms, rather too much room for just three people. As we headed towards our destination, I didn’t hear her footsteps, as if she was floating. I stopped in front of a door that had a something written on it. The word "Library" was written on the door.

I quickly went inside, the library was huge there where different shelves that had multiple books on it, the shelves had reach the ceiling,. There a ladder so one can easily access books that were up the shelve. A two wooden chair, and a table was kept by the side, the walls were painted in caramel while the floors were white, the room was air conditioned. There was a large television that was hanged by the right side and a small chair in front with a blue carpet and the lights were dim I loved the way the library looked. I took a sit waiting for Lara to come so we can get this over with.